Quote of the Day: “I saw Mr. De’Etta outside and had to come find De’Etta.” ::snort:: Said by one of “my ladies” - Heidi. She’s coming your way Kristine - y’all are so lucky!!!
Would you believe we were out of our apartment by 8:30 this a.m. In fact, we were sitting at McD’s and I was uploading photos. ::snort::
Would you believe we were out of our apartment by 8:30 this a.m. In fact, we were sitting at McD’s and I was uploading photos. ::snort::
After breakfast, Mike suggested I attend the PWOC Bible Study. What a nice guy. He visited with Ch. M, went and bought new shoes for Zander, and chatted in the halls. I only knew one lady at PWOC - but it was fun to be there. I did meet several new Chaplain’s wives…never know when paths will cross again. Lynn, I met Sherri B. today.
We drove around the back of base one more time......beautiful.

This is the view I saw a lot of in Alaska. LOL Following Mike's rental car.
Josiah and Jamin treated us all to an afternoon at Chuck E Cheese. We don’t have one of these in our towns. It was a pretty penny, but fun. We all got sketches made at the little booth - that was fun. I’ll scan them when we get home. Here they are in the roller coaster simulator.
I was thrilled that we were able to catch up with a kindred spirit, Valerie. That was an unexpected blessing.
Currently, we are waiting to catch our flight outside (anywhere outside of AK). Another blessing occurred when we checked in. The lady asked why we were going to Juneau. “Um….because that’s where the free tickets go!” ::snort:: She changed our tickets and has us all sitting next to each other….flying from Anchorage - Seattle NON STOP. We won’t have a 6 hour layover in Juneau. We leave an hour later here….but we’ll arrive in WA at midnight instead of 4 a.m. Breakfast in Spokane? LOL
This was a great trip. We’ve had several offers to stay at other’s homes next time we are up. The boys really, really want to come up next summer for a fishing trip. It’s being billed as a “senior trip”. We shall see how much $ they save towards it. I belive next time that we will rent a couple of trailers from the base and stay at the fam camp....or stay at someone's home....Maybe we should plan a "reunion camping trip to EAFB Fam Camp". ::snort::
Saying goodbye to AK again is tough, but we know that God moves us and that HE has a reason for moving us to the places He moves us. He has people for us to touch and people to touch US ….and so we rest in the process. . . But sometimes we are sad. LOL
I have had so much fun living vicariously through you on this vacation! ;)
Totally OT ~ I just noticed the I (heart) Hannah Swenson Mysteries blinky in the sidebar. ???
Oh, and I took the verification thingy off my blog, so you can leave comments without having to go through that extra step. :)
You know, as much as I miss Alaska, what I miss even more is having good friends like you just a mile or so down the road. Maybe God will being you to LRAFB? ;)
Ok... so I'm guessing you'll be buzzing through here earlier than expected so maybe there's hope for a quick meal of some sort. I charged up my cell phone today so I won't miss your call.
Can't get any of the other days to respond to my comments yet.
So glad you have had such a wonderful time in Alaska! AND that your entire trip has been fun (except for the sickies).
Still can't get any of the foto's to appear. Later no doubt.
Certainly did enjoy all the time we got to be around you folks.
"Mr. De'Etta"? Pooooor Mike! That's really funny, I bet that's a first!! LOL.
If you come through here, call me. I'll even wave at you from the overpass at I-25 and Academy, at the south entrance to the AFA. You just tell me when to be there! :)
It was sure nice of her to switch your flight!
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