Health Issues
I wasn't going to mention this, but I know that some have followed my food odyssey into crunchiness. Some have watched with skepticism and some have watched with interest. ::snort::
When we left AK I had been told that I "most likely" had early stages of MS and there was nothing to do but wait for the symptoms to be pronounced enough for a diagnosis. (I really do not think this was a thorough or accurate diagnosis). I was in chronic pain. My hands and feet tingled and were numb. My wrists ached constantly. I couldn't hold a pen, bottle, baby.....My hips would suddenly go out - they also ached. My shoulder would ache for a week or so and then stop. These symptoms disappeared as I changed my lifestyle of eating. A nice bonus to finding a solution for Zander. ::snort:: I suppose I could mention that I believe that as I learned how to eat God used those choices as an avenue of healing for my body.
By the 3rd week of our vacation all symptoms were back. Once again it ached to get out of bed, my hip gave out 4 times one day in AK. Give out to the point of walking one minute and stumbling or falling the next. My wrists and hip ached constantly. My hands and feet were tingling.
I told Mike I was afraid it was Alaska. He amazingly became a huge convert to crunchiness. ::snort:: He was great. He did buy fresh pineapple and produce (but it sure doesn't taste as fresh up there). I TRIED to eat well on the trip. I'm convinced that there is something on their salads and fruits at restaurants. And simply having a meal or dinner involved preservatives and ingredients I've not had in 1 1/2 years.
We came home hoping that my pain would go away when I got back to eating normally, and that it was not connected to Alaska. ::snort::
I determined to spend 3 - 7 days eating nothing but produce to give my body time to rid itself of whatever was in there. This is the a.m. of day 4. I no longer have chronic pain - just twinges. The tingling is not constant..... I can't isolate WHY or WHAT my body reacts to - but being crunchy is improving my quality of life.
I'm being careful not to eat these few calories long term (because produce doesn't have a lot of calories - I'm eating a TON of produce) but I feel it is important to let my body recup. Eating a lot of produce has also helped me build that habit back into my life (I certainly wasn't getting 10 - 13 servings a day on the trip) and it is helping to lower my cravings for french fries, mayo etc.
Just so you don't worry I've lost my mind....I do have a chocolate kiss or one of those Cacao Reserve mini truffles every night. Dr. Colbert says dark chocolate is good for us.
Isn't it amazing how food can make such a different in how you feel? I wish I could get the way you do but with my health issues, the farther from nature the better I feel.LOL At least the kids benefit from the good
That is weird about food. I have atleast 2 friends that were MIS diagnosed with MS. The only way to determine is a cat-scan and such. Take care of yourself.
Oh forgot to tell you, I have friends (MUS reps) that are moving from TN to ID because they are convinced that they were feeling better and more healthy living up that way. His family is from Seattle and they spent time in AK and MT. They moved last week and will still be reps.
LOL, Lisa. Chris B is like that as well.
Yep - well the military isn't into ordering cat scans unless they are sure you need them....and at my point they told me to wait for the symptoms to become more severe and that would be the only way to be sure. That was AK.
In TX the doc took a look and said "arthritis" - again no test at all.....he told me I was aging and that was that. BaHumBUG....I tried making changes and if that hadn't worked you can bet they'd be following up for me. LOL
Location CAN make a difference. I, however, felt terrible the last year in AK and the first year in I don't think it is all AK. I just like to worry Mike a bit. :;snort::
Yes, we are very similar in our eating. Who knows, maybe we're related!lol
Goodness, you were describing fibromyalgia. Glad it is turning out that food intake is helping your pain. Maybe I should try that myself.
I notice that I have joint pain within a few hours of drinking a soda which I don't do very often. And, it takes a couple of days to work its way out of my system.
Praying for you De'Etta . . glad you are starting to feel better!
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