I hopped out of bed bright and early and made it to Curves. I will hit 50 workouts this week. I really want a t-shirt....we have to do 100 workouts for a t-shirt. I'm so very tempted to buy some on ebay! ::snort::
I got home, showered, and welcomed Charly and two of her children to our house. Charly's dh was having his change of command ceremony on base. This means that there is a new man taking his command and Michael and Charly have officially left our base. ::sigh:: It WAS nice to see Charly again.
While we played, Jamin and Josiah continued trying to catch the elusive kitty. We are really trying to find a home for this sweetie. 
Jamin had to work this evening. He spent the day printing out Guild Assignments for me.....they are "graded" - I just need them for his portfolio. Yes, I'm now working on his. NARS calls Aug 31st the last day of our school year.....and we have until Dec 31st to get this year's portfolio in - but I hate starting a new year until the old year is mailed! ::snort::
I cleaned the fridge and freezer (OH LISA - ANOTHER SUMMER CLEAN UP ACCOMPLISHMENT! LOL).....
We went shopping for a lap top - and ::drum roll::: I bought the Cannon Power Shot s1000 - I used Tricia's and liked it....we shall see. I have 14 days to see if it will work for a point and click. I'm wonder WHY we need a face detection mode. I figure if you can't detect a face, you probably shouldn't be trying to take photos. ::snort:: Nonetheless, we dutifully tried it out...yep....it detected a face! ::snort:: What mode do y'all leave it on? Auto or kids/pets?????
Our Curves gives a tshirt after 250 workouts. It's the Curves Diva shirt LOL. I was SO close, then quite for 4 months, and when I resigned up, I had to start at 0. I am not far at all. I've been very sporadic and am not even over 50 for a year now UGH. I need to either GO or QUIT! Why am I paying for something I'm not using? I have grand plans to go, but some days are just painful, and sometimes it hurts after I go, and I just don't know what to do.
Yeah on cleaning the fridge :)
The fridge only counts if I get a before photo.LOL
I need to decide on graduation gifts. I certainly don't want a laptop computer to sneak up on me.lol
When I use my digital point & shoot I typically leave it in the "green camera" mode. I change it do close-ups (macro) but I typically don't use it in other modes unless really necessary. :-) Let me know if you end up keeping it. I may have to look in to getting a new one. I really, really hate the delay for the flash to recharge. It's about 3-4 seconds. It doesn't sound like a lot but it's VERY noticable.
Ah - forgot to take before and after photos of the fridge...oh well. I would have done it anyway. LOL
Lisa - 3 and 4 seconds IS noticeable. This one is doing fairly good. I have noticed in lower lighting that it takes it longer before it will let me take another photo. I turned off the face detection thing which was making me batty and put it on auto. LOL There is virtually no delay. I think I'll keep it. I have 13 more days to play with it. LOL
I hope you like it. Mine is the is older version of the one you bought (mine is the SD800) and I *LOVE* it! I use the face detection when I want to zero in on a face otherwise I leave it in the other regular mode.
Have you tried the continuous mode yet? I LOVE that feature! You might recall all my photos from last fall when I did the whole continuous mode shoot examples on my blog... literally caught Josh with every phase of a kick of the football! It was SO COOL!
I am going to go and look at the camera . . .I need a new point and shoot camera . . .glad to know you love it so far!
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