This led to a quick trip to Sam's Club for:
and Milk (the boys are thrilled to be off their month of milk rations! LOL)
Gas in our hometown....ties with Troutdale, OR for the cheapest we've seen (Oh - the Sam's door guard was not happy that I took this photo - I explained).
Glad you are home too. Just nice to know people are where they should be. :):(:(
Wish our gas prices were as low as yours!
That's what my buggy looks like! I get rather tired of hearing (after buying 2 or 3 watermelon and 4-6 pineapple a week) like watermelon and pineapple??? What difference does it make to them? They don't question my junk food purchases LOLOL.......
Your gas is LOW! Ours was $2.99 for the cheapest when I filled up yesterday at $50 for 3/4 a tank UGH.
Yeah - our gas prices are nice. It still takes me $70 - 80 to fill the tank but in some of those spots it was over $90 to fill up.
Kelly, I get the same thing...and I bite my tongue...because often it is folks with cases of soda and chips who are asking WHY I would need so much produce.....this is to last until FRiday. Doing co-op has stopped those questions - I'm a women with two pallets of produce - I expect questions....and I graciously explain.
Ooooh, I just can't WAIT until Friday's produce pick up! My grocery budget has MISSED coop! How 'bout those milk prices?!?
LOL, I worry about some of the photos I take. I know they are innocent, but people find it odd. I took pics of Rob at the Home Depot checkout, and when the cashier asked if I had a new camera, I just mumbled something about taking a lot of pictures.
Sam's has by far the best milk prices in my area.
I would guess most people comment about the produce just because it's something chatty. We've talked about it at SHS, most people don't mean anything negative, are just looking to make some type of connection. :)
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