Our kitty is living out in the country with lots of other kitties and horses. Sarah came and picked her up today. When she saw it she said, "Wow - it is tiny!" I was sad and teared up, but it is really for the best. I'm glad that we were able to find a home for him and didn't have to take him to the animal shelter. He was fairly nearly feral when we rescued him (which took 2
days) but surprised everyone by eating, playing, and purring. Beatrix is very happy to have him gone. She's been pouting with her tail between her legs the past few days. She can't HEAR or SEE a cat but she sure did smell one! ::snort::
Sorry you couldn't keep it, but I sure understand. We can't have indoor animals at our house. Glad it went to a good home.
There's something very vulnerable-looking about young kittens, isn't there? They really pull on the heart-strings.
Glad you found a good home for the kitten. Did you happen to see the news about this black/white cat that some resthome found and raised. They say he has something like 25 time gone into a patients room, snuggled up (not in the face) and the patients pass on in just a few hours. He is so accurate that they will call the family in when the cat settles in a patients room. Seems the families are so thankful because then they are there in time etc.
I bet the kids enjoyed Kitty while she was visiting, and I'm sure it helps them to see that Beatrix is back to her happy self.
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