24 years ago Mike made this call to my father in the Philippines to ask if he could marry me. He had not asked if we could date, we simply didn't think about it back then. I was in college, they were in the Philippines. We still laugh at how "bad" the connection was requiring Mike to scream over and over "I love your daughter. May I marry her?" Dad kept saying, "What, I can't hear you!" ::snort::
Last night we got a call from Nicholas asking if he could court Krista. As I listened to Mike, I realized I was witnessing history. I ran and grabbed the camera. Mike seems to be more at ease for THIS call. Note the checklist.
We are honored that Nicholas and Krista value our opinions enough to welcome us into this process. We covet your prayers for them as they explore where God may lead their relationship.

I've written several posts but will leave this as is for now. I realize some may have questions about courting, about what Mike said etc....um....ask and we'll see if I think I can answer. We value our children's privacy....Nicholas is not used to living life in the fish bowl. We certainly don't want to betray any confidences...but this call was a highlight of our week and had to be shared. LOL
Awww...how fun, sweet, and exciting!!
Mike looks very relaxed! I'll bet Nicholas wasn't quite as mellow looking on the other end! LOL
Who took the picture of Mike's phone call?
De'Etta, what an exciting time for Kristin and Nicholas. I'll keep them in my prayers as they discover more about each other and discern God's will.
Glad you posted about Nicholas and Krista. I have had a hard time not saying anything to anybody. :):):): I'll now feel free to mention this to your brothers next time I see them.
We only got to witness one of you three kids dating... all other times we were overseas. HA, but believe me people sure did keep us filled in.
Thinking about Krista and Nicholas courting is causing me to think back almost 45 years to remember how it was when we first started liking each other, the Bible School rules, and all the fun of first and learning to love and accept each other.
YUP, we will add Nicholas to our daily prayer group.
OH YES! The foto of you and Mike has always been a favorite and now we'll add the one of Mike being the Dad. :):)
More fun being the Dad isn't it Mike?
As usual, you're an inspiration to me, DeEtta, and I am learning so much from you. I printed out your list from the loop for Greg to read, too. Of course, our first two are boys!
Ok, D ~ gotta know; WHO took that picture of you and Mike?! (BTW, if you hadn't prefaced the pic with the explanation, I would've asked who the girl was hanging all over Josiah! LOL)
Good story ~ Nicholas is now on the prayer list. And I'll be praying for you and Mike as you get to know Nicholas better. :)
Okay, call me naieve, but I thought the picture was from a magazine. I had NO clue whatsoever that the picture was of you and Mike. I didn't even recognize you! I even blew it up and didn't recognize you. What a cool story though. We look forward to the details of how it goes.
::snort:: Yes, that's ME....and note that I was wearing a ring when Mike called Dad to ask to marry me. We simply didn't have a clue about courtship.
My MOM took the photo. I'm sure Mom remembers this. Actually she and Dad had talked before she came home. I'm fuzzy as to WHY she and my brothers were home and Dad wasn't....but they were. They had discussed that Mike would probably want to marry me and Dad had told her SHE could say yes....but I'm not sure Mom told Mike that - and he made the call....and I'm thrilled to have this photo.
Debbie - I'm impressed that Nicholas called....that took courage.
Krista and I were talking tonight and they definitely want to court - not date....when they first committed to this years ago none of us were sure HOW it would look or HOW it would work out because we don't meet a lot of courtship folks in base chapels etc.....and I told Krista - look at this God just brought a young man right to you who wants to court. So often when God calls us on a path - we fret because we can't see the details. LOL
Hope someone got a foto of Nicholas on the phone. :)
I remember that Mike ended up having to step out on the patio so he could really shout.... We didn't have to tell anyone in the neighborhood about your engagement.
How exciting to be entering a new phase of parenting!
How exciting!!!! A new phase in down the parenting road .. . . I will be keeping them both in my prayers.
LOVE the old picture of you and Mike! That's GREAT!
And what a riot that you thought to grab the camera for this new phone conversation! Definitely a blogger, lol!
so for all you who are praying thank you very much that is a blessing and encouragement also no there wasnt anyone there to take a picture of me Thank the Lord for that cuz i was scarede out of my mind but the funny thing is he had a check list and i typed up two pages of questions with answers us meloncholly people we just like to be prepared
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