Nicholas' Comment:
OK - for those who are new to the blog, Nicholas is courting our daughter Krista. Put all minds at ease, I will NOT be sharing their personal business with all y'all....but Nicholas left this comment the other day and it's too good to be buried down the line where no one will ever see it. Is that fair enough? I told Krista when we read this we laughed, snorted, and cried. I continue to smile every time I think about it.
Nicholas is currently looking for a job and will be starting Bible College in the fall. For those who are prayer warriors on behalf of our family - please add him to your list.
So what makes me snort and smile? What made Mike laugh so hard his eyes watered?
The Comment:
"So for all you who are praying thank you very much. That is a blessing and encouragement.
Also, no, there wasn't anyone there to take a picture of me. Thank the Lord for that cuz I was scared out of my mind. (OK here it comes). The funny thing is he (Mike) had a check list and I typed up two pages of questions with answers! (::snort::) Us melancholy people we just like to be prepared."
What a hoot! Krista tells me that Mike didn't ask ONE of Nicholas' questions. Save them Nicholas, it would be fun to read your list someday and someday you can use your list to grill YOUR daughters callers. Maybe this will only be funny to those of you who are married to those with melancholic temperaments. I found it hilarious. I'm the type that would pick up the phone, chat about whatever popped into my head, and then make the list as I went. ::snort::
1 comment:
{G} Joyfully praying!
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