Quote of the Day: Jamin: "I have all the credits I need to graduate, don't I?"
Mom: "Yes."
Jamin: "Can I take one more year and then take a year to work on writing and publishing my books?"
Mom: "Um...Dad and I will talk and pray about it. Are you thinking of moving to Crescent City to write?"
Jamin: "No."
Jared: "You should - you'd have all the characters you need for your books right there." ::snort:: OK - California and all.....and well Michael's folk live RIGHT on the river and they have ALL sorts of folks tromping down to the river - THAT is what Jared meant.
Lazy a.m. We all slept in.
I began looking around for the curriculum I need to buy. This mainly involves getting the classes that Jamin would like tracked down. I'm still looking for a filmmaking course that will fit the bill. He'll do Christians Writer's Guild. He'll do another writing class that involves writing editorials, book reviews for papers, submitting magazine articles etc. He'll have composition with TOG as well as history, lit, church history etc. I ordered the books he'll need for the first three weeks.
Michael took the younger children Jared- Zander to the pool. Jamin and Josiah are working.
I read teacher's notes and cried. I couldn't believe my 16 yo - our 4th - is talking about graduating. They are all growing up so quickly now....
We picked up chicken and such at Albertsons and met the P family at the park. Their boys and our boys were good friends and they will be moving to AK this week. It was a good time of closure for the boys. I could tell that Michael and Kwame were enjoying discussing RV's, engines, and travel routes. We women - well there is never a lack of conversation, is there? ::snort::
Michael and Jared went out for a run and I'm running the fantastic four through the bath....honest. Yes, I DO love the laptop and the wireless connection. ::snort::
{{{{{De'Etta}}}}} It's truly bittersweet watching our children grow up.
Goodness, it seems impossible that you have earned all the credits you need already. WOW!
You should be able to really enjoy this year because you will get to choose some special classes you like.
It's ok to cry and we're praying for you and Mike. It is hard seeing kids grow up and move on.
De'Etta, it is okay to cry.
You and Mike should be so pleased. You are seeing the fruits of years of hard work and prayer in the lives our your young adults. They are wonderful people.
I'm sure it is tough, (I find myself getting teary when I think of Bessie growing up!) but also a blessing to see them mature and working toward the goals God has for them.
I couldn't live without my laptop and wireless router now! I LOVE it as well.
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