Wacky Wednesday
It's SO much work to pull life together around here on some days! I don't know about all of you but there is this feeling of adrenaline in the pit of my stomach. It begins as I rush out the door to get a work out in, and doesn't end until the last child falls asleep. I think I used to handle it better. I've always been a fairly "high energy" person. I used to thrive on multi-tasking. I thrived on being around people. Now, I only want to have a clear plan and have it work for one day. ::snort::
It's about dying to oneself...and dying to one's plans for the day! I'm not sure I'm making a lick of sense here...but that is how I'm feeling tonight. I've been rushing and pushing from the very minute the alarm clock went off. Even my time in the Word feels "rushed" this week....."Hurry, hurry, get something out of this before Zander calls for breakfast." I know it's all about adjusting back to our school routine. Really, the "lazy days of summer" never materialized this year....but still I feel rushed and hurried as we adjust back to school.
I'm so thankful that God checked me when I planned to join more activities this fall. I simply can't keep up with "life" around here very well this week. I know that eventually Zander will adjust to doing school and Stacia will adjust to not having playmates....I've been on this road before....but just this evening, I am exhausted. I'm called to deny myself for this season of raising and schooling children - and it's good. It's just tiring on some days. ::snort::
What DID I do today? We all did math, phonics, and some reading. We began reading "Bill and Pete" - an old favorite of older kids who are now reading "Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Literature". ::snort:: We ate. I actually forgot to eat until I grabbed a roll at 6:00 p.m. I ordered more books. I searched for other books. I called Rosetta Stone and maybe, just maybe, they will send an upgrade for the discs that quit working...and maybe not. We shall have to see. I did get our TOG books ordered. We sat and talked about how we were organizing notebooks, vocabulary, and time lines this year. Jamin listed out for me the 20 topics he plans on studying - makes my head whirl. We organized Math U See blocks and books and discs. I FOUND a disc and a teacher's manual for Geometry.....YES. It pays to organize. I talked to Krista on the phone.
We ended the day by starting the sequel to Peter Pan and reading a chapter from a book on becoming men. Arielle wasn't so sure about this book choice - but it has to fit in somewhere. I told her to listen and learn what to look for in a man. I'm not sure she bought it, but really the chapter had good insights for all of us.
I need to bring this rambling entry to an end and go pull 36 pages from the SAP to send to Tapestry of Grace so that I can get my 50% off coupon for the redesign. Hmmm...if that sentence makes no sense to you, don't worry about it....It's homeschool mumble jumble.::snort::
De'Etta, I do understand those feelings. Matthew is the one who struggles now with school and still misses his favorite playmates (his older sister). Now Gerard (our 3 yr old) is missing playing with Matthew.
I'll be praying for lots of grace, peace and stamina for you as the school year progresses.
Ugh...that denying oneself part is my bain right now. I also feel like I'm making little progress in overcoming myself.
We are still only doing a little bit of work, but we are doing some. Bri is going TDY again and his very busy summer season is taking it's toll. I'm still sure it is better than a long deployment, but these week to 10 day events have been piling up this summer.
It sounds like you are making progress in organizing and at least getting in some basics.
We love Bill and Pete! One of our favorites.
I could have written your first paragraph. I'm barely surviving the adrenaline rushes I'm getting as I try to get things done, before, "someone," wakes up, goes to bed, finishes math, etc... I used to thrive on it...but not any longer. God has been showing me that my schedules and plans need to be put aside and I need to check in with him every morning, afternoon and evening so that He can enable me to get His agenda done, rather than my own.
Ahhh, De'Etta, once again just reading your blog ministers to me. I struggle with dying to myself and my plans for the day, well, daily! Something my dearest friend once said to me was if I am feeling "driven" it's not from God. He leads me, doesn't drive me, as only the Good Shepherd can. I so love it when God speaks to me like this. I pray for you and your family and God's leading each day.
STamina - that's the word I was looking for - that's what I need to pray for this year. LOL Thanks, Michelle.
{{Debbie}} TDY's or long hours of work because everyone else is deployed can be harder than a deployment - or as hard.
I find it easier to have Mike GONE than to have him here and GONE due to crazy work schedules...but such is the op temp of the military these days....and at least when he is HERE he's out of danger.
Yes, Yvonne, it's the adreneline rush that is getting to me.
Lis, leading and not driving - I like that. When I'm feeling driven I need to examine what I've allowed into our schedule that is GREAT but may not be right for us this season.
I'm the same way... I get up way before sunrise and go to bed way after sunset and still the work never ends... not only does it never end I can barely keep my head above water... this after cutting out a zillion things from my calendar for this year. Just wanted to sympathize with you.
Debbie.. if you happen to come back here to read the comments.. I can sympathize with you as well.. my dh is gone all the time. He's been gone since June and will be until the end of Oct... only coming home for 1 1/2 days each weekend and sometimes not every weekend.
I too like the comment about God leading us and not driving us.
praying for you!
I spell Stamina: CAFFEINE.
Somehow it wasn't doing the job this past week as we got off to a rough start too.
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