Marvelous Monday
*If you didn't notice that I updated Destinee's entry twice today - please scroll up - she needs our prayers TONIGHT!
I'm telling you, I'm on a roll! LOL
I made it to Curves this a.m.
School went well.
We added speech therapy into the mix today.
Nolan and I ran to Hobby Lobby to pick up supplies for making clay lamps and Egyptian instruments later in the week.
I made Shepherd's Pie for dinner and then ran to Curves for the first class in the "6 week solution". I hope it is. I'm a bit doubtful - but maybe. LOL
Michael and I were able to have a nice talk with Josiah. We discussed our expectations (and his expectations) as he lives in our home as an adult. His plan is to move out this summer so that he is all set, if we get orders. A wise plan.
We played a rousing round of tag in the front yard.
Michael, the fantastic four and I went on a walk.
All are in bed....I'm going now.
Oh, Josiah just went to get Jamin from work.
His plan is to move out this summer so that he is all set, if we get orders.
Is your time almost up in TX? I didn't know how long your transfers are...
Praying for Destinee...
Beth in GA
This summer as in now... that can't be since this is fall now, right? So.. you still have a few months with him at home, right? Our oldest is moving out on the 1st.....:::::sob, tears, etc.:::::
She'll be fine. She's ready, etc. But, I'm not sure we're ready for such a change in our home.
We have been here two years...originally we'd be leaving this summer...then they said two I'm thinking that it WILL be the summer of 09 - but it could be the summer of 08 - you never know. LOL
Cindy - summer as is next summer 08......yes, this is the fall. LOL
I'm not sure any mom feels totally ready for a child to leave home - be it the first or 9th - praying for your family.
For sure when a kid is getting ready to move out and continue to become a mature adult it is so HARD for the parents.
Ladies, believe me when I say, most parents find it hard to see their kids move on. BUT OH HOW sweet when they love the Lord and keep in touch with Dad/Mom.
God has blessed us.
De'Etta, I really can't imagine how tough it must be to think about moving without another one of your children! Gosh, I think these younger years are tough, but I'm thinking know that watching your young adults move out or away must be terribly difficult.
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