It's been two years since I began blogging. The very first post I wrote was on Labor Day. I was on bed rest after having had Stacia. I posted Stacia's birth story and photos that day. To see a very blimpish pregnant me - click on the birth story link. ::snort::
Our blog started as a way for our daughters to continue experiencing every day life with us as they left home. It has been a surprise how many others drop in to see a daily slice of chaos. ::snort::
I should say something profound - but it's been a long day. We didn't sleep well last night...thinking of Stacia's swimming escapade. Two years.....everyone but Michael and I have aged, Michael has deployed (and loved the blog), the girls have left home, Josiah has graduated, I lost 30 lbs and gained 10 of it back, I've gotten pregnant and miscarried, we've finished two years of school...I'm glad to be able to look back and see where we have been. God has been faithful - so very faithful.
well there are many who are glad this blogger thing is around i know for me it actually allows me to kind of get to know ya all i know its kind of one sided but what ya gonna do ummm no i wont start a blog i aint got that much time on my hands lol but i try to e-mail often enough i am very happy Stacia is okay and doing fine i heard she got right back up on the horse so to speak or rather in the water i was shoked as to how many people just stood by and watched at any rate hopefully when you look back at the last two years you see more Joy than sorrow ttyl
Sis: I'd say it has been a busy 2 years. Lots of prayers, lots of victories and I am rather sure the next two years will be full of neat things... especially when looking back.
We found out today that bug bombs cause ones fire alarm to go off. HA! It is the fog it produces I guess that fakes out the alarm system. Dad did 4 under the house and in the shed, I did 3 in the attic, and then 6 in the house. Well the last one in the house was in the kitchen and it reached the sensor and wow!!! was it ever loud. Of course we had to go in the smelly house to try to shut it all off.... NOPE! Got a call from Brinks and they would not accept the code word that has always worked before......... SO we had a big ole fire truck in our driveway. HOW embarassing!!! They just laughed and said bug bombs do it every time. At least we know the system works. :):):)
This evening have been cleaning up certain areas where we don't want the fog anymore etc. Washing all the covers we put over things and on-n-on.
At least all the spiders who were displaced when the 70 ft. tree came down and then the 50 foot tree in the front came down.... got killed and/or chased out of the new places they found to live. Came home to some hanging from the outdoor eaves DEAD!!!
I'm going to like the fall cleaning being done so early..... like today, tomorrow and etc.
Hi Nicolas
We found out
LOTS more joy than sorrow....God has been faithful.
Oh my WORD, Mom, when you guys bug bomb you really BOMB. ::snort::
I remember when you started blogging! It really changed our email conversations, but blogging is much better! We get to see pictures AND you don't have to email the same thing to a zillion people.
Congrats on 2 years! I'm thankful that you began this blog. It's been a blessing to me. You are a wonderful encourager! I hope you stick with it for many years to come.
Ah but Cindy...if you think back before I began blogging, I hadn't emailed much for the past year or so. ::snort:: Life got so busy I couldn't email everyone that I wanted to. I had lots of folks saying things like "It's been 5 months since I wrote" and I knew something had to change but I honestly didn't have time to write lots of involved emails. The blog made it much easier. Those who really WANT to know what we do each day can find out....and then I can send private emails that cover the personal things that aren't on the blog.....otherwise I fear most would still be under the previous "communication blackout".
We even put "unlimited" long distance on our land line - but I'm terrible about finding the time to talk on the phone too.
The blog has certainly helped us keep in touch with people better than we were before. LOL
Wow- two years . . that is awesome. I am getting ready to have my "one year" blogging anniversary next month!
Congratulations on two years of blogging!
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