Insanity...some thoughts! ::grin::
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
This is a familiar quote. In January my dietitian shared it with me. It's big at Curves. It has applications to all of life. Great quote. I'm in a quandary. I've not decided what I will do about my quandary.
January 2007 I had been stuck at 160 forever (OK just since having Stacia but it FELT like forever since weight usually comes off in 6 months for me). I went to see the dietitian on base because of my high cholesterol numbers and she suggested I eat more (up to at least 1200 calories) and eat lots of produce and fiber. She also told me that I AM older and DO have a thyroid disease and so we need to focus on a healthy metabolism and expect slow weight loss. Get those cholesterol numbers down. I attended her class. I began to lose weight. I was doing a 45 min step routine 5 days a week and a bike ride the other two days.
February 2007 - The exercise physiologist on base suggests that a "curves type" circuit training is the very BEST workout for women trying to lose weight. It protects your metabolism by building muscle and strength while you lose weight. It is also a cardio workout. I now weigh 145. I sign up. Curves says I should be eating 1600 calories a day. Debbie, the dietitian, says 1200 - 1400 a day is fine with all the produce I eat - as long as I'm still losing weight I know my metabolism has not been compromised.
March 2007 - Mike returns home. I now weigh 139. I get pregnant....I still work out but really struggle to eat. I gain up to 148 by the time I have 2 months off exercise and miscarry.
June 2007 - I'm back to Curves. I'm eating again. I'm at 142 and we go on vacation...for nearly 6 weeks - no exercising and road food...but lots of fun!
July 2007 - Back home - working out 5 times a week at Curves. I'm now 148 after the trip. I'm stuck.
August 2007 - Still eating 1200 calories, adjust workout to 3 x a week and add 2 step workouts back...gain to 150. I'd say I'm still stuck and I'm still doing 10 - 13 servings of protein a day at 1200 calories. Is this insanity?
September 2007 - Curves 6 week eating solution - First two weeks - they say 1200 calories but WOW - lots of protein. I try. I go from 149 - 147 the first week. Still eating 1200 calories and such - trying desperately to take vitamins, add protein, count fiber, carbs et al.
October 2007 - Enter phase 2 of Curves - calories up to 1600 and protein up to 120 g a day (about 6 chicken breasts). I'm on the high carb plan - those on high protein are happily eating MORE than 120 grams of protein a day. I'm eating cheese, eggs, beans, nuts etc to try to get the protein. I'm staying the same. I'm told "eat more protein", "don't worry about the fat", "eat less produce". I try. I weigh today - I'm 150!
A few thoughts: I weigh more NOW than I did when I joined Curves or when I began this "weight loss solution" 3 weeks ago. ::snort:: I understand that since I'd been stuck at 1200 calories that is a sign that my metabolism has adjusted to 1200 calories. I know that Debbie had talked about adding calories when that happened. I'm content to continue on another month at this program and see what happens - I guess. Curves has a plan to raise your metabolism and I think that is where I should have begun and not at the start of their solution since I've been really eating at their "phase one" since January.
For those who are new to my ramblings...I STRUGGLED to eat 1200 calories. I had been eating about 800 a day. I know that I need to eat more. The problem is with this weight loss solution,
I feel MISERABLE. All this extra food, protein, calcium, vitamins and calcium supplements, less produce has me feeling bloated, sluggish, and constipated....and 3 lbs heavier than when I was stuck on the 1200 calorie plan. I read the Curves book and it says that when you are building metabolism you let yourself eat the higher calories, gain up to three pounds and then go back to 1200 long enough to lose them and it takes longer and longer to reach those 3 pounds of gain as your metabolism adjusts to the new calories you are giving it. When you eat the higher calories for a month, without gaining, you know that you've raised your metabolism to that new level. THEN you can begin dieiting again to lose the weight. I'm giving you the digest version of this. It makes sense. It agrees with what Debbie and Gary at the base said.
Here's the thing - I feel SICK with all these supplements and protein and such in my system. I'm not sure if I should stick with this another 3 weeks and see if things settle down and I adjust to this....or throw it all out the window.
I understand and agree with the Curves circuit training in principle but obviously I was losing weight much quicker and steadier when I did aerobics 5 days a week. BUT building muscles is what Gary and Debbie said would help my here I am. I'm not sure what to do....
I'm thinking of taking this all in and visiting with Debbie, the base dietitian, again. This seems like a lot of protein....and I can't help but wonder what happens with my cholesterol now that I'm eating less produce and more fat. KWIM? Debbie, had said that a woman only needed 24 - 42 grams of protein a day - Curves has me at 120 and that's lower than the "high protein" plan for carb addicts. I've NEVER been able to make the 120 grams in a day. I think my top day was 40 some grams. At Curves I'm encouraged to stick with it. I'm told dieting won't work (which I believe). I'm told insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results....but I'm thinking this Curves eating thing is wreaking havoc with my system and isn't working is it realistic to give it 3 more weeks....or insanity to give it 3 more weeks?
Yes, I'm a teacher by gift and nature. That translates to a person that wants the facts. I've done the research. I've asked questions. I'm not sure that the trainer at Curves is seeing the total picture - in other words I do have other health issues too and I'm not sure that she knows what else to offer me than to say "keep eating this way and eventually it will work"....but I am concerned about MORE than just the stubborn weight...I'm concerned about my blood pressure has spiked a few times in the last 3 weeks...I need to keep my metabolism revved up (which IS what Curves is ALL about). I'm simply not feeling good eating this way. Debbie has more education. I believe she can look at more options than just the one she's been trained to teach. I don't know what I'm saying. I'm not sure what to do.
Curves now has food products out that are low carb, high fiber, high protein....the ceral has TBHQ in it and the granola bars have ethanol in them. This is strange to me as all their literature promotes lean protein, whole grains, produce and bioavailable vitamins and such. I plan to write them. ::snort::
Mike says I need to start running with him. ARGH. THEN I'd have joint issues too. Suggestions?
I think you should trust your instincts and schedule an appointment with Debbie. She will probably be able to manage not only the metabolizm issues but also your other health concerns.
I love the Curves fitness program. I do not believe the Curves diet is healty. I do not believe that much animal protein is healthy for anybody, and that much protein from nuts is way too much fat!
I do believe that eating a large amount of raw produce is the way to go. Greens, especially, are full of protein. 22-25% useable protein in greens!
You may be eating a large amount of protein in animal products, but our bodies to not break down and use all that protein. Actually, our bodies fight off animal proteins with anti-bodies and finds it an alien substance.
I'd go back to eating the 1200 calories with much produce. If you are losing, that is great. If you stall, then go ahead and up your calories, but I think more produce and/or whole grains is a much better way to do it.
What does Curves recommend to vegetarians? When I worked there they didn't have a plan for vegetarians.
When we needed protein the MOST (as babies with rapid growth) if we were breastfed, then we were getting roughly 6% of our calories from protein.
OK..I'm done rambling...gotta feed the boys :)
I know little about Curves other than my aunt (65yo) and my friend Mary (61yo) go there - I knew you'd want to hear that :)
but seriously I think you should go back to the dietician. She knows more about your overall health issues than a Curves instructor.
De'Etta, what does your gut instinct tell you? Go with it! What was working for you? Obviously you know your body better than anyone else. If you don't know what your gut is telling you, make that appt. with the nutritionist because it sounded like you were doing great before Curves. If the nutritionist wants you to build muscle, why can't you use free weights at home or at the gym on your own?
Seems to me that when I'm doing something that makes me feel SICK I stop doing it...but maybe that's just me ::snort::
I'd get into see the dietician ASAP! She seems to have the edcuation and background to understand the health issues you're concerned about. I don't know about your Curves employees, but the ones here come and go and only know what they've been told... when I went to a Curves type place here in town I came away with an elbow injury because of improper body mechanics.....even when I kept ASKING if they were sure I was doing it right..... anyway... see Debbie!
Besides you already KNOW what happened to me when I tried a high protein diet.... gained weight that I've *NEVER* been able to lose to this day.
I'm not sure what to say about your other health issues and what type of diet to be on. I also know that I'll be in the minority. I'm not even sure what all the Curves dietitian has you doing but in order to actually lose weight is lowering carbs if you eat protein. You can't be eating carbs and eating all that protein and expect to lose weight. I definately don't believe in that whole 120 grams thing either! That is way too much! I don't know of any other diet that recommends that much! A good book that you might want to check out is the Suzanne Somers' book. I have a copy if you want to borrow it. Her husband had/has blood cholesterol issues that have been cleared up with her "diet". It explains that you if you eat high glycemic carbs, your blood sugar goes up, and if you've eaten a fat or protein with that same meal then the fat/protein WILL get stored as fat since your body burns the sugars/carbs first. Your body will/can only store fat if there is an insulin response to what you're eating as well. If I'm correct it "unlocks" the barrier in your cells that allows energy to be stored there. No high insulin, no high response or fat storage. She does allow fruit and such in her diet and in my opinion besides South Beach is one of the healthiest diets out there. If fact I'd go so far as to say hers is better since SB advocates using "fake foods" like SF Jello. Suzanne is all about organics and all natural if at all possible. I definately don't think Atkins is safe anymore but I do believe in the LC theory. I'm also wondering if you're feeling sick from your body "coming off of carb eating". I jokingly call it "withdrawels" because that's what it totally feels like. I actually get more energy and DON'T feel sluggish etc. when I'm LC'ing. Just me though! One thing though in Suzanne's book that sticks out to me right now though is that she says if you don't eat enough fat/cholesterol, your body will manufacture it (in the liver??) and your blood cholesterol levels will be higher. I'm no Doc though so really all we can do is go off of what others tell us is truth. I'd say PRAY about it. God gives wisdom to those who ask:)
Sorry, that was REALLY long! LOL I should've just emailed you!
One last one, I promise! How'd you get a signature on your post. Did you just make up a graphic and post it there everytime? It's cool!
I'll try to lump some responses together....
I have a call in to Debby the dietitian. She'll be able to examine the whole picture and get me back on track. I hope.
Deja - you CRACK ME UP!!!
Yes, the idea is low carbs and high protein...
HOWEVER I EAT 50% LESS CARB THAN THEY ALLOW ON THE LOW CARB. All my carbs are low glycemic (good fruits - not even the bad ones) and or totally whole grain. What I'm feeling isn't from coming off carbs - that's what they told me too - but I have the food charts. I am eating MORE carbs on the Curves plan because I'm trying to find quick protein. LOL
My previous diet was:
All whole grains, lean animal protein from time to time, LOTS of fresh produce and water.
Kelly - good comments about the protein in greens. See the book I was given lists NO protein in lettuce. I was told that salad was "totally devoid of nutrition" and I know that isn't right. I know what the lady was trying to say - it doesn't have protein in her book...but it has SOME and if you aren't trying to eat 120 grams a day it's fine.
Yes - Deja was right - if something makes me sick - I quit. I just hate to be a quitter and I'm 3 weeks through the class...and only 3 of us showed up on Monday.....
Kelly - they have a vegetarian menu - a small one. It doesn't give much nutrtion for your VEGGIES but they have you doing lots of eggs, cheese and nuts.....and I think that is why I'm feeling so bloated...that and the extra carbs and animal protein...frankly....I'm about to go back to not eating until I want to. LOL
Jen - double click on my signature and it will take you to a spot to make your own. I stole it from Michelle (my aloha buddy).
At this point I still paste the code into each entry...I can't figure out a better way to do it.
De'Etta, first off, Curves (at least the one I worked at) doesn't give a lot of training to their employees. We read the book. Period. Unless you have a dietician at your Curves!
Second, I have a book called the 80/10/10 diet. It is actually about eating 100% high fruit, low fat raw diet. I am not all that far into raw, but am aiming for 10-12+ servings of raw.
But, this book explains all the nutritional stuff in raw. You may borrow it if you like. I'll send it on out. It was very educational and I did learn a lot about produce and raw and stuff.
Wow! I already skimmed through the other comments, and I'm with them. WAY too much protein. But what do I know? Anyway, how can they make a promise that their diet will work for you if you have a thyroid problem? I say stick to the dietitian.
No comment other than to say when you all get it figured out.... let me know.
I lose best never!. :) :) :)
Your one sister-in-law has lost a lot on W-watchers. Wow! She looks good and any of you who lose weight my hat goes off to you all. I just don't lose anymore hardly at all.
I do not know too much about curves but I am with everyone else. .. go see your dietican and go with your gut feeling.
I know when I was doing The Firm 5 days a week here at the house I lost a TON of weight and was toning fast. Now, that I am working out at the gym I feel like it is taking a much slower time to get the results . . .and I have no reason why . .:-)
Kelly - yes, I've realized that our Curves doens't have trained dieticians etc. They only know one plan to offer (well there ARE three plans but all are way more carbs and protein than I typically eat).
Can you tell me the title and author of your book and I'll try to find it localy?
And, I'll bet the Curves place also doesn't have exercise physiologists, physical trainers, or physical therapists on staff either..... that was my beef with the similar place I went to a few years ago.... the employees didn't even know how to properly use the machine... proper body mechanics, etc.
ps.... my elbow STILL hurts sometimes from the repetitive injury I got from my circuit workout time.
Cindy - it's been my experience that most gyms DON'T have exercise physiologists.
There are several trainers at curves. Two seem very knowledgeable and watch to be sure we are doing the machines right. The other one gives out false info and I have let the owner know...politely. The owner is new. She just came back from a Curves camp armed with info to teach the eating plan and videos etc about the right way to do the workout. She's making all the trainers watch it again - and I've noted that they are more on top of the work out now. The stuff the previous owner taught me about how to use the machines is not what Curves teaches. LOL I knew this from reading the book. Now our new owner is retraining everyone.
I LOVE the workout. It's exactly what the exercise physiologist on base told me to do. He insists it is best for women (cardio and strength) to ward of decriptitude ailments, to lose weight etc.
Renee - and others -
The thing I LOVE about Curves is the hydraulic machines. I get the strength training without the joint pain. The work out can be as demanding as you are able to yes...there are women from 16 - 81 at our curves - all doing the workout at THEIR level....and I've seen some of those young 20's really sweating up a it is a GREAT workout.
Personally, I was doing free weights and having trouble with my joints - I can do Curves without most pain. I do have to eliminate the wrist one the last month or so.
The 80/10/10 Diet
Balancing your health, your weight, and your life, one luscious bite at a time.
By Dr. Douglas N. Graham
Website is
I couldn't find it locally AT ALL! So I bought it, read it, took what I wanted and put it on the shelf. So let me know if you can't find and and/or would like to read it.
Thanks Kelly - I'll check into it and let you know if I can't find it. I'm pretty close to this already. Mike laughs when he sees these "raw" or "extreme veggie" meal plans and says "that's about what you eat anyway". What a change we've made. LOL
I was going to say go with your instincts too.
Also programs and classes are fine but if something isn't working the way it is supposed to maybe it's not the right thing for you. You may need to do your own trial and error to see what works for your particular body.
I can't see where you could go wrong with lots of produce, well unless you coat it all in chocolate!
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