Hmmm....while much of the world took a day off - we did not! LOL
We did school. Jamin and Jared got back into the school routine.
We had speech therapy.
I baked cookies (used the last of the frozen cookie dough).
The truck driver from Shop Natural had called and wanted me to meet him at 3:30 instead of 5:30. THEN he didn't show up until nearly 4:00. Our order had been $1300 and by the time all the out of stocks were removed it was only $700. I don't think their out of stocks are getting any better yet. ::snort:: I've got a catalog from Azure Standards and I'm thinking if Shop Natural eventually goes to "mail order", I will go with Azure because the out of stocks do not seem to be getting better...but as long as I can hold on with Shop Natural - I will. I enjoy the truck delivery. It's cheaper than paying for postage for these heavy items. The truck driver said that they'd discontinued the Amarillo route but that our route was one of the highest ordering routes and they were trying to keep it going. We shall see.
Stacia fell asleep on the couch while I was passing out group orders. I sure PRAY she stays asleep. If she wakes up now, I'll be up until 2 or 3 a.m.
Mike is away from home again this week. I need to try to get to bed at decent hours instead of reading until the wee a.m. hours....It's been quite the month for disrupting my routines so far. ::snort:: Ah well, can't go to sleep until Jamin is off work tonight.
We made Egyptian lamps and "pots" today....and alphabet letters

Nolan finds out that clay is tough to work
Think I like your day better than mine.... other than the fact I get paid for most of the hours I put in.
So far it has taken 3 days to get caught up to today in correcting papers for 5 classes. No lunch break and stayed until 5pm and have a couple of hours correcting to do yet tonight.
Pray things soon settle down with the new sub-teacher. The regular one will be back maybe for 2nd sem.
Sounds like your day was interesting with variety. I like varietyQQ
Sounds like a good day! We went to the lake and I had quite the adventure with a bat. I blogged about it!
Disruptions in the routine...I've had that problem for the past 6 weeks, ever since start school UGH. I am hopeful that by the end of Oct. we can have a routine down. Doug is on vacation next week, so no school, and I may go to work with him for 3 days on the 21st, so maybe the first week of Oct., and then the holidays....OK, maybe January :::snort:::
We were supposed to take a day off (LOL)! The rest of the world except us homeschoolers! Nathan also fell asleep tonight as soon as we got home at 6:30. He's still asleep, too and now it's 8:30.. I'm with you.. if he wakes up it'll be a long time before I'll see any sleep!
I baked cookies too but for some reason mine didn't come out. I am not sure what went wrong but I am trying again today. Jordan leaves Wednesday to head back to school and he wants a load of cookies to take back with him.
Sounds like a fun and educational day.
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