My Visit with Debbie (the dietitian)
I thought I'd write this out so I don't forget. LOL Feel free not to read it. LOL
We had a good visit. She is incredibly encouraging. She gave me three cookbooks (Your Plan to Eating More - fruits and veggies; Naturally Nutritious; and The Good Carb Cookbook), a new exchange book, a plan, and loaned me a Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD.
She looked over my food journal and noted that there were two days last week when I didn't make 1200 calories - oops. She said that she isn't worried about analyzing each bite of food I put into my mouth. She said that these general diets are good for the "general" public...but each of us are unique. She noted that I was doing great before. I felt that I needed SOMETHING because I gained 8 lbs...but I gained another 8 on this plan. ::snort:: Then we thought over what had happened this spring/summer that led me to believe that 1200 wasn't working any longer. I got pregnant, miscarried, stopped eating 6 small meals and went to one big meal, traveled for 6 weeks and then woke up and said, "I've gained 8 lbs" and joined a plan that had me eat MORE and made me feel lousy....and I kept gaining..... So really I need to get back on my original plan and stick with it for at least a month before I decide if it is working or not.
She envisions nothing but continued weight gain if I try to keep following the plan. We looked through the charts and she was surprised to see it in black and white. I told her there are studies that explain the reasoning in the back and they'd mean something to HER, so I'll loan her the book. I'd like her to really look over the whole "raise the metabolism" thing and discuss it with me later.
*I* really struggle with eating 1200 calories. I'm full! We discussed how I FEEL since I've been trying to eat 1600 calories a day. She asked if I was hungry on 1200 calories and then laughed and said, "well you are NEVER hungry" and then we discussed that really I don't need more calories and, therefore, I shouldn't feel like I have to force eat or be in some sort of danger.
My Eating plan is basically: 12-1400 calories a day, 10 - 12 produce servings a day, 24-42 grams of protein (YES! much more doable than 90-120), and 20 - 35 grams of fiber. She isn't worried about carbs or fat (as I eat so much produce and really am NOT near the fat limits and my carbs are ALL (except for the nightly dark chocolate) complex carbs). I don't have to count protein. I'll check once in a while and be sure I'm hitting the range. She agreed that there IS nutritional value in produce, including protein. ::snort:: She did suggest that I need more calcium (or some to be exact) and that getting 3 good, low-fat, calcium sources a day would also insure the protein I need.
Vitamins: She said that multi vitamins are OK but that it's best to get your vitamins from your FOOD. She said that there is research that no matter how "healthy" the vitamin you buy your body really doesn't know what to do with the concentrated amount of vitamin.....but in FOOD it is packaged perfectly for your body to utilize. We discussed how God did that. AND I was relieved to not feel guilty about the vitamins I bought 3 weeks ago that I HATE. She said my food journal shows that I'm getting plenty of nutrients from my diet.
Exercise: Yes, they USED to say 3x a week was good. NOW, according to the base's exercise physiologist this is what you need:
~ typical youth/younger adult with no weight to lose needs 30 minutes of cardio most days of the week.
~Weight to lose or middle age (that's me evidently LOL) 45 minutes of cardio most days of the week
~If you've EVER been obese or are obese currently they say you need 60 - 90 minutes of cardio most days of the week.... (I'm assuming pregnancy weights are excluded from this LOL).
Of course, ANY, amount is better than NO amount. LOL
Gary likes circuit training because it IS 30 min of cardio and strength 3x a week....but it isn't enough, according to him and others like him, to even maintain fitness by itself. I should NOT have gone from 45 min of cardio 5 - 6 days a week, to 3 Curves workouts a week. I know that's what I was told - but it obviously isn't working. LOL There is also some question as to weather I am even working hard enough to NEED a day off between circuit training as the machines are hydraulic and not free weights and believe me I'm not ripping muscle. This discussion gave me new resolve to be sure the kids are doing the 30 min NOW because that "ever been obese" thing is huge in the sense of if we can avert it now they won't have to struggle with this when they are 50. LOL
Raising a Metabolism: The goal is to have a metabolism that is functioning. The goal is NOT to eat 2500 calories a day. In other words, the impression I have gotten from MY Curves is that you know your metabolism is functioning at a certain level when you can eat that many calories and not gain...The ultimate goal is phase 3 where you eat 2000 - 2500 28 days a month and diet 2 days a month. I'm not sure why Curves has that much food as a goal, but Debbie says that if I'm feeling good, and my body is stable at 1200 calories then there is no reason to "eat more to raise your metabolism". If your metabolism is functioning at 1600 cal that is what you need. If it functions well at 1200 or 2000 - THAT is what you need. BUT the goal isn't to continually raise the level of calories you eat. She said that when I do plateau that the key is to intensify my workout. I'm sure we'll talk about that more later because at this point (after 4 weeks of the plan I've been on) I have 21 lbs to lose! ::snort:: I'm not at the "let's maintain" stage.
Basically - your body likes a consistent diet (calories, produce etc) but a variety of exercise.
All in all a good talk. I agreed to come back and visit. I would like to make the monthly cooking class they are doing, it just is very difficult with the produce co-op...but maybe I will anyway. Once again, she told me I'm doing things RIGHT and shouldn't be worrying about adding this or that or whatever.....
This is ONE appointment I had today. I'm far too tired to write about anything else.
De'Etta, I find this all so interesting and somewhat discouraging...I am in the obese zone, even though I don't feel so at all, but it means I need to work a lot harder and longer! Ugh!
Please, I love it when you share you health info...I find it very helpful.
That was very interesting. I make it to the gym about 3 times a week. I have a goal of 4 but I hardly ever make it to that. While at the gym I usually do 45 minutes of cardio and then work on the machines 20 minutes . . legs one day . .arms the next. How many days a week is the 45 minute cardio a day for middle aged women?
So glad you went to see her! That all sounds MUCH better. I know I mentioned before that I went to a Curves-type place (a local similar) and I aws more messed up after my time there... and the Adkins diet my mom tried to convince me was the cure-all made it even worse! I'm still paying for my year of fad diets and workouts that didn't do a thing!
Thanks for SHARING! It's all very similar to what my brother keeps telling me and what I'm reading in the book that he gave me that the Y trainers recommend.
Did she say to give your day of rest from the weights every other day? Or at least a rest from the area you worked? IOW, if you weight lift your arms one day then you wouldn't do arms the next day.. this is also different from the 8 min morning workout. I still like to use those exercise cards, but I switch the order around so I have an intense leg or arm but not both if that makes sense....
De'Etta, that is a great report and I am so glad you shared.
I think Curves has a goal of 2000+ calories a day because overweight people like to eat LOL. So they want to eat when they are no longer overweight.
I am hungry at 1200 calories. I do much better, and lose some, at 1800. But I am getting many servings of raw right now. I've averaged 14 this week.
I need to work at it, though. Right now my flesh wants chocolate! It has a hold on me. The nighttimes, after the kids are in bed, are so lonely for me and I am avoiding going to bed alone AND eating stuff I shouldn't! And I've gained this summer as a result, and feel horrible!
But last week I decided to go back on the WW points thing coupled with my 10-14 servings of raw a day. It is working so far (1 week in lol) and I've lost 3.4 this week :) And I feel better. I may even be able to dance tonight without being in tremendous pain :)
OK...I'll quit rambling on your blog lol...........
Although I do have to say, being middle age and obese according to the charts, that I do not have the time OR the lack of pain to exercise 60-90 minutes a day LOL.
Debbie - I also found it shocking! I'm not currently in the obese factor but I certainly was 30 lbs ago....does that mean I should be working out 60 - 90 minutes? She smiled and said - it seems that 45 min a day was working for you - I'd go back to that. LOL
Emily - for all the recommendation is "most days of the week" - and it can be any cardio activity - doesn't have to be a traditional "workout" at the gym. But get moving every day is the message....
Cindy - He DOES recommend the Circuit workout - he just says you need to do MORE than 3x a week of Curves. He HIGHLY recommends it. Curves is the pioneer in circuit training for women and the number one fitness franchise (according to him - not them).
The concensus is exactly as Kelly said - the workout is GREAT the eating plan isn't so great.
I did mention the day off thing in my post - but NO - he said you really only NEED that day off if you are really lifting hard and that Curves is safe enough that most can do it every day - though Curves does say to take the day off.
Because it is only a 30 min workout he recommends doing a longer cardio on the off days - does that make sense? So it isn't "don't do curves because it will ruin your muscles" but "do it 3 days a week, then do a min of cardio 3 other days of the week.
Kelly - yep those servings of raw produce are being really recommended now by main stream dietitians and nutritionists.
Debbie would say your body is showing IT needs 1800 calories...but mine steadily was gaining at 1600. Debbie would say my metabolism is working fine at 1200 - 1400 and yours at 1800. Curves would say I need to eat more so that I CAN eat more and not gain - but I have no desire to eat more.
Debbie and I discussed that curves program seems to be geared to women who ARE overweight, ARE eating a lot of unhealthy food and AREN'T working out. I came in and was on an eating program, eat very healthy 80% raw I would say by my journal, and was working out 45 min 6 days a week.....they just didn't take all that into account....and neither did I. I am now and Curves will be a great addition to my routine - but dropping to 30 min 3 x a week is not in the plan.
Remember that that 60 minutes doesn't all have to be at one time in the day. I've taken to scheduling an afternoon or evening walk on the days I do Curves - so that I can get the 60 minutes in.
I am so glad you went to see her! I bet it was a relief to hear what your body's been telling you, from a professional.
I need to get moving! Now if only Sophia would cooperate.LOL
De'Etta -
This post is very helpful for me. I am working on losing weight, working out, eating more healthy. Ugh. :) I do appreciate your sharing the information you have and what you are learning from others.
Laura in MO
(from SHS)
First - I love the Leslie Sansone walking videos. That is my main exercise method.
Second - I'm bummed to think I need to double my exercise!!! Ugh! I am good to get in the 30 minutes (a 2 mile walk on Sansone's videos). This means I need to do either the 3 or 4 mile walk more often rather than less often. ::sigh::
Third - This all sounds great & I'll be trying to incorporate some of this stuff in my life as well.
Keep up the good work!
Diets! Have never been successful with one. The tropic diet did best for me? LOL! I need to live someplace where GOOD chocolate is not available, where I don't like most of the meat in the open markets, where I don't like the kinds of fruit they have and in general where it is so hot I sweat enough. LOL I was down to a nice weight then. BUT here in the States my constitution to behave is lacking........... :)
I *hope* they don't count pregnancy weight when calculating those exercize times! I can about do 45 minutes for a power walk with the dog or bike ride but can't do 90 minutes per day.
It is interesting and confusing, again about finding what works for each person. Glad you got some new info and what sounds like a workableplan for you.
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