So you must have liked the song if you added a link to it. It's one of my most favorite songs of his. I'm currently working on another reflective blog entry and I'll also upload his song CENTER which I did find a version of which I like on You Tube....
And I see you changed the song at top of your page to Marvelous Light. It's also a favorite. I guess there really aren't any Charlie Hall songs that I don't like. The tag on Marvelous Light was added one year at camp.. the lift your hands and spin around part.... it was fun to have that tag added after a connection here!
::snort:: Actually - I guess I'll leave it. I've loved much of Charlie Hall's music and keep trying to find a way to get it on the far most of what I find is his sung by Chris Tomlin or not the song I want....I can find "give us clean hands", "marvelous light" but the only youtube of on the road to beautiful is some guy singing it and not Charlie or Chris. I did find several funny videos of Charly Hall but I want the songs not him hamming....anyway - I wanted to see if it would let me put the whole player on the blog or what would happen. I thought I deleted this earlier when I saw it was link.... but it's still here....guess I'll just leave it. LOL It's a wonderful song - I also love Charlie Hall - just wish I could find his music easier. LOL
Sorry for no explaination - I was playing around. LOL
I haven't found many of his songs on you tube either... although I did find a great version of Center which I already mentioned I'm planning to upload soon. I emailed him to find out if they can put some more up on you tube for us! We'll see what he says (LOL)! I wish I would have thought to ask him that when he was here. It's so kewl to actually know him in person!
So you must have liked the song if you added a link to it. It's one of my most favorite songs of his. I'm currently working on another reflective blog entry and I'll also upload his song CENTER which I did find a version of which I like on You Tube....
And I see you changed the song at top of your page to Marvelous Light. It's also a favorite. I guess there really aren't any Charlie Hall songs that I don't like. The tag on Marvelous Light was added one year at camp.. the lift your hands and spin around part.... it was fun to have that tag added after a connection here!
::snort:: Actually - I guess I'll leave it. I've loved much of Charlie Hall's music and keep trying to find a way to get it on the far most of what I find is his sung by Chris Tomlin or not the song I want....I can find "give us clean hands", "marvelous light" but the only youtube of on the road to beautiful is some guy singing it and not Charlie or Chris. I did find several funny videos of Charly Hall but I want the songs not him hamming....anyway - I wanted to see if it would let me put the whole player on the blog or what would happen. I thought I deleted this earlier when I saw it was link.... but it's still here....guess I'll just leave it. LOL It's a wonderful song - I also love Charlie Hall - just wish I could find his music easier. LOL
Sorry for no explaination - I was playing around. LOL
I haven't found many of his songs on you tube either... although I did find a great version of Center which I already mentioned I'm planning to upload soon. I emailed him to find out if they can put some more up on you tube for us! We'll see what he says (LOL)! I wish I would have thought to ask him that when he was here. It's so kewl to actually know him in person!
I've never heard him before. Love it! Thanks for the intro!
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