Re-Cap Again -
Maybe I'll quit trying to keep up over the weekend.
Friday night - Mike didn't get home at 5:30 but was home by 11:30 p.m. We did have dinner with some friends and then came home to wait until time to pick up Mike.
Saturday - we lazed around in the a.m. We visited a train museum. We prepared for Sunday School.
Sunday - Sunday School began. It was nice to be back in the routine. Mike and I are teaching the younger set this year....we had a good time...small class....4 of our children and 1 new family.
We left directly after Sunday School to drive Jamin and Jared to World View Camp - 4 hours away. We met some friends at the camp who were dropping off THEIR children (Brad and Brenda - Mom and girls). We went to dinner and visited...then drove back home. We got back home around 11:00 p.m. Mike then helped Cy edit a paper that was due a uniform ready for work, and did something else - I was comatose by then and haven't a clue.
Monday - getting the week going. We've worked on school, gone to Curves, and sent in a Shop Natural co-op order this a.m. It will be interesting to have only younger ones around here. Josiah is still home but he's closing every night this week and has college classes - we go several days without seeing him - we usually see him on Sunday. LOL
Photos later.
We used to go several days without seeing Amanda, but knowing she still LIVED here made it ok.. now going several days without seeing her is just plain hard because she doesn't "live" here anymore! I think that's why I thought it wouldn't be this hard since we're used to her being gone a lot. Boy was I WRONG!
Yep - it just makes a difference when they are no longer at home.
And this is often one thing people forget to ask prayer for and others forget to pray for ones they know in these situations.
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