Yes, it is. I'm trying a Sue Gregg recipe - and Mike thinks it will be fine. I'm a bit skeptical and wondering if we'll have jerky by a.m. I do have a plan B. We have a "thing" at the base's chow hall tomorrow...I figure if I have turkey jerky in the a.m. I'll beg for some turkey from the chow hall before I come home to feed guests. ::snort::
Everyone is too busy to read about our days the past few days. I'll upload a bunch of photos.
Briefly - temps dropped 40* - yikes. I do think this wild weather stuff is a trigger for my migraines...yeah, read between the lines, I don't plan to whine. ::snort:: I saw the doc today and I'll share all that later - basically he thinks I'm old. They shouldn't allow 20 year olds to be doctors. ::snort::
We had a Thanksgiving Service and Pie Social tonight. I really enjoy these services....The younger boys had a wonderful and wild time AFTER the service.... They weren't alone - and I did right all the mishaps before I left. As I left a friend told me I "looked frazzled". I told her I ALWAYS look frazzled after spending time with a room full of young boys. They were running around the little room and knocking things over...but really there was no where else for all the boys to run off energy.....and it is acceptable to run off energy in this room rather than the main fellowship hall. ::snort::
The older two boys should be home shortly - so I'm going to upload some photos and call it a day!
1 comment:
The turkey we had, and the time table that came with it said it would take 4 1/2 to 5 hrs to cook!
WRONG! It took only 2hrs and it was done except for the browning.
Turned it off and then started it again when we were just 45 minutes from eating. Came out ok.
Never had one that cooked so fast.
Sure was a lot cheaper to buy than the $125 one we got in the Philippines just once. Got it the year Nathaniel returned to the States and we had NO child at home. :( :):)
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