Sunday, December 09, 2007
2nd Sunday in Advent - The Bethlehem Candle by MEG
They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it is written by the prophet: ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah: for from you shall come a ruler who will govern my people Israel.’” (Matt. 2:5-6)
The name “Bethlehem” literally means House of Bread. It was not one of the great cities of the world. It was not even one of the great cities of Israel. It was, in fact, one of the smaller cities. It was known as the “City of David” because it was the home of King David. He was the youngest of eight brothers, the shepherd boy, and the son of a man named Jesse. He was not known for anything, but it is in the wisdom of God that He would select an unknown to be king. It is also in the wisdom of God that He would not choose a great city such as Rome or even Jerusalem as the place the Christ would enter into the world. It was not in a great palace that the King of kings would come. It was not even in the home of a peasant. Instead, the Creator entered into His creation at the little town of Bethlehem, through a virgin named Mary, as a babe lying in a manger.
God constantly uses the littlest and the least to demonstrate His power and faithfulness. The following scripture readings emphasize this characteristic attitude of God.
Monday – I Cor 1:25-30 God chose what is weak…
Tuesday – Phil 2:5-11 …but being born in the likeness of men…
Wednesday – II Cor 12:7-10 …for when I am weak…
Thursday – Luke 9:46-48 …for he who is least...
Friday - Isaiah 9:6-7...For to us a child is born, to us a son is given...
Saturday – Luke 1:7 …and laid Him in a manger…
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This is neat! Thank you for posting this. My children are reminding me to not forget the sugar plums for Christmas eve...It's time to redirect them to the reason for the season!
Glad to be of service, Darshia.
I forgot to post week 1's stuff. LOL
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