A lot has gone on today....cooking turkey, produce co-op, clearnace shopping, Staff party, turkey...but the conclusion of the day is well.....practically perfect. ::snort::
Big Girl Sighting!
The Gang (Cy is at work, I'm taking the photo, Stacia is hiding)

Bre is surprised that Nolan is "up to her chin"...um Bre? He's taller than THAT.

Stacia hides behind Arielle - HER big sister!

Ah they are here - but their bags are in Dallas.

Bre is surprised that Nolan is "up to her chin"...um Bre? He's taller than THAT.
Stacia hides behind Arielle - HER big sister!
Ah they are here - but their bags are in Dallas.
Zander is thrilled to have his queen home!

We've not seen Bea wag her tail, jump etc in months!

Welcome Home Girls!!! How exciting. When do your parents come? What a busy holiday and full household you will have this year.
May it be a sweet time!
How great for you all to be together!
What a blessing for you all to be together for Christmas!
How, how wonderful! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy....hug those babies and just bask in being together.
What a wonderful reunion. How fun to see the pictures. Poor Stacia. I am sure the girls will win her over in no time! Have a wonderful Christmas now that you have been reunited with your babies. Let it be a forshadowing of our final reunion someday with Christ and all the saints.
Yea! So glad they arrived safe. Have fun!
Awwww it's wonderful that your big girls are home!
My folks arrive today....fun times!
YIPPEE! Glad they arrived safely.
Wonderful homecoming!!
:) One more reason to feel like Christmas!
This comment is coming late . . .but Welcome Home Girls! I am so behind in commenting on blogs that I am slowly getting through them all :-) My goal is to be caught up before the New Year!
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