My goal was one a month - I suceeded! I'm glad. I haven't read for pleasure for years.
Stranded - Lorena McCourtney
101 Signs of Design - Ken Ham
Yada Yada Get's Decked Out - Neta Jackson
The 12 Desserts of Christmas - Joanne Fluke
The Good Husband of Zebra Drive - A. M. Smith
The Spiritual Power of a Mother - Michael P. Farris
On the Run - Ivy Malone Mys - Lorena McCourtney
Brave Hearts; Unlocking the Courage to Love with Abandon - Sharon Hersh
The Ministry of Motherhood - Sally Clarkson
In Plain Sight - Lorena McCourtney
The Potluck Club Takes the Cake - Linda Shephred & Eva Marie Everson
Invisible - Ivy Malone Mystery - Lorena McCourtney
The Potluck Club - Trouble's Brewing - Linda Shepherd & Eva Marie Everson
The Potluck Club - Linda Shephred & Eva Marie Everson
Line of Duty - Terri Blackstock
Trial by Fire - Terri Blackstock
Depression Era Recipes - Patricia R. Wagner
The Relaxed Home School - Mary Hood
Reading Made Easy - Valerie Bendt
Word of Honor - Terri Blackstock
Shadow of Doubt - Terri Blackstock
Private Justice - Terri Blackstock
Holy Ghost Corner (A Novel) - Michele Andrea Bowen
A Man Called Blessed - Ted Dekker & Bill Bright
Blessed Child - Ted Dekker & Bill Bright
Bye, Bye, Black Sheep - Ayelet Waldman
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Rolling - Neta Jackson
I'll Hold You In Heaven - Jack Hayford
The Cradle Robbers - Ayelet Waldman
Confessions of an Organized Homemaker - Deniece Schofield
Key Lime Pie Murder - Joanne Fluke
Miserly Moms - Jonni - McCoy
The Alpine Scandal - Mary Daheim
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Michael Van Dyke
Murder Plays House - Ayelet Waldman
Blue Shoes and Happiness - AMS
In the Company of Cheerful Ladies - AMS
The Full Cupboard of Life - AMS
The Kalahari Typing School for Men - Alexander McCall Smith
The 7 Pillars of Health - Don Colbert, MD
Saving the Fragments - Isabella Leitner
Morality for Beautiful Girls - Alexander McCall Smith
Baby Catcher - Peggy Vincent
Death Gets a Time Out - Ayelet Waldman
The Big Nap - Ayelet Waldman
A Play Date with Death - Ayelet Waldman
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught - Neta Jackson
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Tough - Neta Jackson
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real - Neta Jackson
Nicholas & Alexandra - Robert Massie
The Yada Yada Prayer Group - Neta Jackson
Fragments of Isabella: A Memoir of Auschwitz - Isabella Leitner
Teaching the Trivium - Harvey & Laurie Bluedorn
Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith
Midwives - Chris Bohjalian
The Age of Opportunity - Paul Tripp
The King of Reid - Jamin G
Yada, Yada Prayer Group Gets Down - Neta Jackson
Nursery Crimes - Ayelet Waldman
Curves - Gary Heavin & Carol Colman
A Life in Secrets - Vera Atkins and the Missing Agents of WWII - Sarah Helm
The Eat- Clean Diet - Tosca Rena
Fracesca's Kitchen - Peter Pezzelli
The Bible Cure for Thyroid Disorders - Don Colbert M.D.
Homeschooling with a Meek & Quiet Spirit - Teri Maxwell
Stolen Lives - Malika Oufkir
Freedom - Malika Oufkir
The Thyroid Diet - Mary Shomon
Who Really Cares - Arthur C. Brooks
I'm green with envy. I haven't read a book for fun since July. I'm too backlogged trying to read the Core 100 Literature and History of US books (well, I am enjoying them for the most part) slightly ahead of Landon anyway and reading various other parenting and homeschooling books that I hope will get me out of this funk. Perhaps I should throw them away and read for pleasure instead! :-)
LOL you found this post - I thought it was buried. ::snort:: I wanted to link in the side bar so that I could find the authors that I want to continue reading new books from.
I had not read anything for fun in YEARS - and I did NEED to. It's not goo to be ALL about work. ::snort::
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