We'd like to start the New Year off with a Giveaway of a $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com. To be eligible you only need to read the quiz BEFORE you read the answers (it doesn't matter if you received the quiz through the mail or read it on the blog), check in here and leave a comment with your score and any other memory or comment you'd care to share. Be sure that we know how to contact you. Every member in your family, who is old enough to take the quiz and comment on their own, may leave a comment and enter once. We'll pick a random winner on my birthday - 24 Jan. That should give everyone plenty of time to do this after the busy Christmas season.
1. D – All of the above. We left Anchorage in June of 2005. Since that time Mike has served as the Sr. Protestant Chaplain at Goodfellow AFB, TX.
The girls have been living in Spokane, WA the past 3 ½ years. They originally went to Spokane to participate in Master’s Commission (MC). BreAnne currently serves as the Executive Administrator for Spokane MC. She plans this to be her last year with SMC. Krista served on staff the past year with MC and is now working and saving for her next grand adventure – a mission’s trip overseas.
Josiah graduated in May of 2007. He is currently ½ way through his second year at Angelo State University. He is also a manager for Chick-fil-A and has the goal of owning one of these businesses in the future.
2. A – our gardening attempts went nowhere. In fact, the timbers to build garden boxes are still sitting on the patio. ::snort::
3. E - The girls have traveled to various church-related conferences, Microsoft conferences and camps all over America. Krista was part of a missions trip/scouting mission for MC in Trinidad. Josiah met up with Bre for a trip through our Nation’s historic locations. At each spot they were taught about the Christian history of our country.
4. E – All of the above. Jamin’s passion is writing fiction. He is perplexed that he’s only published non-fiction. Maybe he’ll find a publisher for one of his novels in 2009.
5. B – We’ve allowed Jared to break the “one outside activity” rule the last couple of years. He has some GREAT opportunities here with the community and homeschool support group.
Jared would like to enter politics. We aren’t sure where to go with that ambition. Does anyone know of a community that needs organized?
6. C – you knew that right? Josiah IS planning to learn how to sky dive with a friend of his. This info may be helpful for the 2009 Christmas Quiz.
7. E – There’s always more to do than there are hours in the day. De’Etta has learned to order her priorities daily: God, family ministry, outside ministry.
PWOC = Protestant Women of the Chapel. This is an international military ministry to women.
8. A- This was an amazing experience for Nolan. Not only did it give him opportunities to continue working on his eye hand/sequencing challenges, but it allowed him to conquer his fear of being in front of audiences. This is a BIG production here in town. The estimate I heard was 2500 people total forl 3 shows. I’m still shaking my head at the audacity of him participating.
9. D – All of the above. We are amazed at how our “alphabet boy” is coping.
10. B – this was an amazing vacation! Mike, I and the five younger children hooked up the Caboose (trailer) and headed for CO. A few days later the girls arrived from WA and Josiah and Jamin arrived from TX. We cherished each moment of our FAMILY vacation.
11. B – yet.
12. C – yet.
13. D – We’ve sent a hard copy of the answers to those whom we know do not have Internet access. Any of the options will work to receive answers – free question!
What your results may mean:
0 -3 correct: Who are you anyway and why are you reading our Christmas letter?
4 – 6 Correct: You just haven’t been paying attention, have you?
7 – 10 Correct: You must be one of our closest friends.
11 – 13 Correct: Are you a stalker or a faith ful blog reader?
©2008 D.R.G.
Psst. Answers 9 and 10 should be listed as "D" and "B". You have them here as A's. Just wanted to let you know before a ton of people visited and got confused like me:)You have the right answers listed just wrong letters to go with.
I got them all right by the way:) I have no life of my own....jk.
That anonymous post was from the A kids.
Hi there,
What a fun quiz! It was so informative and entertaining. I loved this idea!
I missed only one--the question about which thing Stacia has NOT done yet. I didn't know/remember about the sharpies on the walls! I'm glad she hasn't pushed over the tree though.
Enjoy your time with the girls when they arrive home. You are SUCH a blessing to me!
Melanie in CA
Good catch Jen, actually #1 should be D and was marked A and number 3 didn't have an answer too....they were fine on the word copy so much have done something strange when I copied it. I thought just the format changed. I THINK the answers mark questions now - if anyone else wonders - ASK! The blurbs are correct.
LOL A kids - you rock.
Melanie - yep - the tree is still in tact. LOL Thanks for your kind words.
Just a "lurker" (and occasional commenter) weighing in... I think I got about half. Thought, hopefully, for a moment that you were announcing another pregnancy, but not "yet" anyway :0)
I enjoy reading about your family. Always wanted a big family myself, but Hodgkins Lymphoma had a voice in that.
Merry Christmas to you all!
I got only #12 wrong. I thought you were being very creative in telling us something important. LOL I almost got it right, but I changed my answer! Does that count? LOL
I got all the answers correct, because I have been reading your blog for the past few months!
Great idea. Y'all have a very merry and blessed Christmas!
Just posting on the correct blog entry :)
I missed #6. I thought the answer was play basketball.
I'll choose to be a faithful blog reader and NOT a stalker :::snort::: De'Etta, I almost emailed you my address, but thought that may be a little presumptous LOL.
a faithful blog reader.... Stacia hasn't knocked over the Christmas tree - yet. :)
I only missed one but once I checked the answer I knew it was Nolan but said Zander! lol
That was fun! Considering how long I have known you for! :)
I never thought of myself as a stalker so I must be a faithful blog reader. What fun!
What a FUN Christmas card. YEA. I got them all right as well...
Even thought Stacia has not knocked over a tree Joy HAS it was only a little one but still.
How fun, fun fun! I love this idea, De'Etta. I must be a faithful blog reader..... I got them all. I admit I did guess on the Stacia question, though. :)
A community that needs organizing? I'd suggest Chicago...
TOO funny that Jen noticed your typos for answers, lol!!!!
This is the most fun and original Christmas letter we've ever received. Because I'm not original, maybe I'll copy the idea myself for next year. :)
You know I'm a faithful blog reader of yours, but you know I'd make a good stalker too!
I rushed right over here to see the answers in case 12 C was not the one that didn't happen! That's the only one I was iffy on my answer wishful thinking on your behalf!!
I got all of them right! Wow! I do want to say that I am NOT a stalker!! lol just a faithful blog reader.
My Dearest D,
I got only one wrong if you count me thinking/hoping you were preggers again. The remainder I had right. I too am not a faithful blogreader, but a long time friend. Since were were freshmen in college. It feels like a life time ago. wishing you all the merriest of Holy Days on Christmas.
Thanks for sending me a copy of your quiz. We got it in yesterday's mail. I got them all right. Greg couldn't believe it! I AM a faithful blog reader. The Shutterfly cards were awesome as well!
I got them all right! I like to think of myself as a faithful blog reader and a friend. Merry Christmas to you all. Looking forward to the next quiz!
Hi De'Etta and Family!! I got 8 out of 13 correct!
Have a Merry Christmas!
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