I had just enough time to meet a friend for lunch. Hey, Heather! It was fun; we need to do that more often. I had a salad that was GREAT.....I guess I don't need to say more. ::snort::
We finally decided to move on from China; we've been there 2 weeks longer than scheduled. I decided we'd move on to the Mayans and continue our projects as we can. I'm currently trying to decide if I should let Arielle read "The Well of Sacrifice" by Chris Eboch. Have any of you used/read this book? Jared says it has "graphic" parts about human sacrifice and bloodletting. I think I'll have to pre-read this.
After a couple of hours of school, Stacia, Arielle and I headed for base. I needed to sign a piece of paper at the chapel, and then we planned to hit the family fitness room at the base gym. Stacia fell asleep on the way up there....but she was happy to wake up and play.
We had steak for dinner. ::snort::
My 14 year old son read the book about a month ago and said it was good but graphic. Human sacrifices, etc.
Are you using a specific schedule to do the 90 reading? I am also curious why your goal was to read through Acts 6? What happens to the rest of the NT? How long does it take you to read a daily portion?
Laura - that's just what our 14 yo said too. I'm reading the part on sacrifice and blood letting now...she really wants to read this book - but she's 10 1/2. I'm just not sure. I gave her Black Ships of Troy and told her to start that instead for the time being.
Jen - I'm confused. Acts 6? Did you see that on my Winter Reading List maybe? If so - that's as far as I expect to be by the end of the Winter challenge. My goal is to read the Bible through in 90 days....and to do that 3 times this year with a month's break in between. Yes - there's a schedule. I'm on track at this point....Finished Job today.
Hmmm....takes 45 - 60 minutes I think. It's "12 pages" a day....quite a few chapter....I did Job in 3 days.
Yeah, I thought it said you were going to read the Bible through Act 6 three times by the end of the challenge and I was highly impressed, yet confused! I am still impressed!
Is it a schedule you made up yourself or do you have a special Bible/book that has the readings? Or did you just divide the pages of your Bible by 90?
Jen - I am using the 90 day Bible....but I'll look and see if I can find the schedule online and post a link. Tonight?
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