Monday, February 11, 2008

Glimpses from the Day

Nolan is ill. I usually "quarantine" ill family members. They like the solitude, and I isolate the germs. Poor Nolan. He must be an extrovert. At lunch he came out and said he wanted to do school. He lasted about 20 minutes and went back to bed where he has slept the afternoon/night away. He doesn't like being alone, and he doesn't like meds.
I snapped this right after lunch....
It sums up the day well. Nolan works on phonics, Arielle works on an informal outline, Cy works on his first ever "filed-as-an-adult" tax return, my laptop is open and checking totals for our United Co-op.

Co-op went well today. We are getting wholesale prices, and they are great.  We're getting the bugs worked out of the system. It only took 1 1/2 hours today to meet the truck, inventory, and sort into our three groups. Then another hour or so to sort into individual orders. Only one mistake, and it was mine - thank goodness.

I thought I was ordering Arthur Mac and Cheese; what I ordered was a case of THIS
Fancy, huh? Certified Organic Spagetti O's - I think. The kids have never had these - they think they look SWEET - we shall see what they think when they open the first can. ::snort::Photobucket


Jen said...

My kids like them. I usually buy a case of the Loops and "meat"balls. Unfortunately, Jess can't have them anymore (gluten) so Alex gets a can to herself.

I sometimes make "pizza pasta" with canned pasta. I sprinkle some oregano and shredded mozzerella (which I always buy a 6 lb block of from coop) on the pasta. The kids like that.

I personally am not a fan of canned pasta.

Anonymous said...

We've never bought them before. The way things go around here our oldest would need 3 cans to be slightly full. A 14 year old on a growth spurt is very expensive. hehe

Anonymous said...

Hey De'Etta,

How are you doing on your Winter Reading Challenge??

You have been tagged with this BOOK TAG.

I would love to see what you are reading so please click on the BOOK TAG above and check it out!

Herd Momma said...

Well you answered the question on our minds yesterday. Where is De'Etta? I was going to growl at you. A fun growl. I was in Wal-Mart buying groceries yesterday morning. Everytime I started to reach for a 'box' this little voice said. Would De'Etta buy that? NO. She would get her own pasta and add her own seasonings. So I put back the box and bought a bag of pasta. Later at Speech Morgan's mom was telling me that those suddenly salad boxes have alot of MSG. Now that I am into my menu planning and staying in the kitchen more to actually cook I'm learning lots! Thanks. Love ya' Hope Nolan is better today and the germs haven't escaped quarantine. xoxo Amy

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Canned pasta - I can't imagine... ::gag::

But Amy dear you made me laugh - I'm feeding MY kids canned MSG though. ::snort::

Nolan is up and I'm praying he stays up. LOL

Emily said...

Glad Nolan is feeling better!

Susan Silver Dill said...

My kids love the Arthur loops... they make me gag, though. I am finding as I get older (meaning over 40!) that my tastes are changing drastically and quickly. Foods I loved before make me cringe now. Hope Nolan is all better now!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

It's official - the kids do NOT like the loops - at least not the 4 younger ones. LOL

Jenny said...

I just have to say I would have never thought of putting two tables together. Great idea. Even with four kids we never have enough room at the table to do school work.


Cynthia said...

What kind of table do you have these days? Is it two long tables put together or one long table?

And, where do you store all of your school books? It appears that you are having school at the dining room table, right? Just wondering because if we move we won't have a "school" room per se anymore.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

We have the same two tables we purchased at Fred Myers years ago. Sometimes they are two tables in a dining room, sometimes shoved together for a square...sometimes end to end as now.

Our school books are stored on a shelf in our library/computer/family room. I do have the little display that the current weeks books for the youngers are on - or any that I hope will snag them.