Jared discovered that he really liked the ease and taste of these on vacation. I've been meaning to come up with a recipe. I asked on Support4HomeSchool and wa la - several recipes which I combined and tweaked. In place of Rapadura brown sugar may be used.
Homemade Instant Oatmeal packets
· 6 cups quick-cooking oats, divided
· 1 cup rapadura (added ½ C maple sugar - too sweet)
· 1 ½ tsp sea salt
· 1 tsp cinnamon
In a blender, grind 2 cups of oats into powder. Add to 4 cups oats.
Stir in rapadura, sea salt, and cinnamon; mix well. Divide into 16 small Ziploc bags (or place all in airtight container and use as much as needed each time). To serve, add ½ cup boiling water to ¼ C oatmeal mix. or microwave until it explodes. Let stand 2 min (good time to clean microwave). Packets = ¼ C oats, 2 T oat mixture, 1/8 tsp salt – I just mixed it all up.
Variations: (assuming above recipe has no sugar or cinnamon)
Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal- To each packet add 1 Tbsp. sugar, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, and 2 Tbsp. chopped dried apples.
Brown Sugar/Cinnamon Oatmeal - To each packet add 1 Tbsp. brown sugar & 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Oatmeal w/Raisins & Brown Sugar - To each packet add 1 Tbsp. packed brown sugar and 1 Tbsp. raisins.
Health Nut Oatmeal - To each packet add 2 Tbsp. any kind of wheat germ
Fruit & Cream Oatmeal - To each packet add 1 Tbsp. non-dairy coffee creamer and 2 Tbsp. dried fruit
Fun Fruit Oatmeal - To each packet, add 6 or 7 pieces of 'fruit snack' type dehydrated fruit.
Confetti Oatmeal - To each packet, add 1 tsp. decorative cake/cookie sprinkles.
S'More Oatmeal - add 6 miniature marshmallows and 1 Tbsp. Milk Chocolate Chips to each packet.
Cookies n Cream Oatmeal - add 1 crushed Oreo cookie and 1 Tbsp. non-dairy coffee creamer to each packet.
Exploding Oatmeal - add 1 tsp. sugar, and 1/2 tsp. 'Pop Rocks' candy to each packet. This one is fun for celebration days, such as birthdays.
Bart-man Oatmeal - add 2 Tbsp. 'Butterfinger B.B's' candies to each packet.
all sounds good to me.
Pop Rocks in oatmeal?!?!?!?!?! Now I have heard it all! What great fun!!
Boy! I have one busy week and I fall very behind in everyone's blogs :-) I just spent the last 20 minutes or so catching up with you . .lot's of birthday's, homecomings and lot of beef! I wish I could find a cow like that to buy . . .I would love to fill my freezer with all that good healthy meat!
Exploding oatmeal!? That's a mess I won't try! lol -Darshia
Wow, thanks for sharing this recipe! Do you mind if I pass it on, with kudos to you, of course! Blessings.
Yeah - I thought exploding oatmeal was a bit much to TRY for - I mean it happens around here quite regularly all on its own. ::snort::
Silverdill - is that YOU, Susan? It's got to be my fellow picklish, crunchy, homeschooling friend. LOL
Yes - pass it along. I merged several recipes so it really isn't mine to begin with. Isn't it funny that my kids are happy to have something "normal" like instant oatmeal?
And I was just looking for something to do with my 25# of oatmeal I just bought...
There you go deja...and cookies...and granola....
Hello! Yes, It's me, Susan!! I changed my "handle" because people thought I was a High School art mom, not a Home School art mom... these non-homeschooler's just don't understand.
LOL, Susan. The rest of the world just needs to learn our language.
I saw you on SHS compiling these but I had NO idea you were going to pass it along in a coherent manner for all us lazy folks! Thanks for taking the time...my youngest would LIVE off prepackaged oatmeal at least now I can be sure what the heck is in there!
LOL I put all recipes I want to keep on my blog in case the house burns down and my computers crash at the same time....I'll have an easy back up. LOL
Now how did I miss this recipe thread? YUM! And, I bet it's a LOT cheaper than the packets. I think I need to make some of these.
Oh I'm so glad you shared this!
I can't wait to make these. If I have oatmeal packets in the house my kids will 'self feed'! :-D I don't like to keep them around because i don't like the unhealthy ingredients. Now I can serve a healthy version.
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