Thursday, February 07, 2008


Photobucket We are finishing up the Mayans and such this week. I'm still debating if I'll let Arielle read the book she wants to read. We are prepping for Ancient Greece next week. The boys keep telling the younger ones, "You'll love Greece!" I handed "Black Ships of Troy" to Arielle tonight and told her to read that while I decide about "The Well of Sacrifice." She's 10 1/2. Upper Grammar is NOT enough reading for her, but I don't want her exposed to all the nastiness of false religions either.

I baked bread. I took the boys to HoF...and then took Nolan, Zander, and Stacia to the gym with me. Oy vey. OY - V*E*Y! BUT I got another 45 mintues on the elliptical and 25 minutes on the bike. I can't tell if the drugs are making my muscles feel like rubber and ache or if it's the working out. ::snort:: We had enough time to drive home, grab a shower, and head back to pick up the boys.  Then we headed off to dinner and to drop Jared off for CAP. Mike works late on Thursday night.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI've spent the evening playing with kids, finding plane tickets for another trip Mike will be going on, helping Jamin get some computer things set up...I don't know...putzing around I guess.


Romany said...

Hi DeEtta!

Did you mean 'Black Ships BEFORE Troy' by Rosemary Sutcliffe? This is one of my all time favourite Hist Lit for kids. Can I beg you to pleae reconsider her reading it alone, in her head. The writing just CRIES OUT to be read aloud. I read it aloud to my kids a year or two ago and I'm SOOOOOO glad I did. They were absolutely enraptured by the language.

If you meant a completely different book, then apologies for this message and do ignore!{g}

Anonymous said...

My muscles feel like rubber whenever I use weights. ugh! I feel wobbly for about 20 minutes afterwards.
Happy exercising!

Anonymous said...


Oh how I'd love to be able to putz around. Busy at school with the real teacher back (good) but climbing up 26 stairs OFTEN during the day makes for rubber legs also. :):)

Good goin on exercise. Dad's S level is down some and that is good..........


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes, Dorothy that's the one. I was going to read Jason and the Argonauts out loud to them. I can switch it and read Black Ships to all 3 of the youngers. Thanks for the heads up.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Great news, Mom.

Thanks for the input, Laura.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Dorothy - ACK she's already 1/2 way through the book - she doesn't want to wait to read it aloud. I can't keep up with her reading habit.....great problem to have...since I'm so laid back in the early years some were very concerned the little ones would never learn to read. LOL

Amico Dio said...

I so need to start working out....

too much chocolate! ;o)

Jodi said...

I was going to ask you just this type of question at some point soon. I was deciding about Hayley, who is over a year older than your dd. I was just wondering if the older books would be too mature even if she could easily read them. As it will be our first year trying TOG and we'll have a learning curve to work though, I am leaning heavily towards all UG. Hayley reads a lot on her own anyway so I don't worry about giving her things to read. Just wondering if it would be enough on topic stuff for a child who will be in 6th grade when we start TOG. I suppose I have time to decide yet.