Ok - a bit of accountability is needed. 40 minutes most days of the week - comes out to 240 minutes of exercise a week. This will get me to my annual goal of 11,700 that I'm tracking in the sidebar. I'm woefully behind already. ::snort:: Weekly total - 200 minutes.
Monday - Bike Ride - 40 minutes
Tuesday - oops
Wednesday - Miracle 1 Mile Walk - 20 minutes (stretches, warm up, cool down)
60 minutes - elliptical
Thursday - 45 minutes elliptical
35 minutes - recumbant bike
Friday - Migraine
Saturday - Migraine
Sunday - oops

Monday - Bike Ride - 40 minutes
Tuesday - oops
Wednesday - Miracle 1 Mile Walk - 20 minutes (stretches, warm up, cool down)
60 minutes - elliptical
Thursday - 45 minutes elliptical
35 minutes - recumbant bike
Friday - Migraine
Saturday - Migraine
Sunday - oops
that much time on the elliptical would be the cause of my migraine!!
Hmmmm....you might be on to something here. LOL
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