She even let me "do hair"
The ruffly socks and white shoes were the first casualties
One of the 6 ft brothers was teasing her, "I'll touch your hair Stacia" . "NO YOU WON'T!"
Yes, we are working on instilling a gracious attitude...we also figure God has something for her to do with her incredible determination and lack of intimidation. Mom, we see more and more of Grams in her as she matures.
We attended Sunrise Service. Then we attended a parish wide breakfast. Then we attended the 1100 Easter service. Then we had dinner. Then we came home.
The older boys hid the Resurrection eggs (Thanks, Debbie in NY, for the idea).
This one led to quips about wisemen with skillets and spices
Bre called while Mike was corralling littles in their room, and the olders were hiding eggs. Evidently, I talked too long....which is the obvious cause of these 2 6 ft brothers mauling the 3rd brother.
The littles found the Resurrection eggs.
After all eggs were found each child opened their egg and we discussed which part of the Resurrection story the symbol inside represented.
Working all day and writing until wee hours of the a.m. seems to be taking a toll on Jamin.
Mike napped. (He has a 3 day training coming up that promises 14 hour days).
Jamin, Stacia, Jared and I went out to measure Jared's last big run. 9 miles! NINE MILES - I can't imagine.
Nolan got out his circuit system from Home Training Tools, READ THE DIRECTIONS, and made this little doo-dad that plays Happy Birthday.
Josiah worked on homework. Mike is checking homework. Littles are in bed. Jamin and Jared are going out for a late night run.
It's been a great family day! I won't even mention the two that my heart longs to see....August is coming.
Great blog, De'Etta! Love the pictures. What a blessing your blog is.
What is it about boys? Do they HAVE to wrestle and rough house? I am so very thankful that I grew up with three brothers. Without the experience I would truly wonder about my own boys. Ha!!
How darling those two girls look. We agree with you in that even some of the facial expressions and cute/crazy things Stacia does are so much like Grandma S. I saw that set and straight mouth so many time as a kid.... often led to my daily spanking as a kid. :):)
For sure the determination and lack of intimidation will serve her well. Expect she will even do more than Grandma did cuz she is in a day-n-age when she will get a good education etc.....
WOW! Nolan making an electrical thing to play H-BDay! WOW!!
Goodness, Arielle has a beautiful profile plus the beautiful face from any direction.
Next time I fall asleep when being quite at you home and get teased... I'll remind all that my G'Son did the same thing...... nevermind that he had a good reason... :):):)
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