When the older ones were younger (jr high and high school age), they saved up and bought two canoes. They were wonderful for family outings in San Antonio, in ID, in AK, on the Smith River... We had a pop up trailer and could easily cart both all over America - which we did. We have noted that as the older ones quit going on so many of our outings the canoes got heavier. AND.....then....I bought the trailer at Mike's request when he was deployed. There is no way to put two canoes on the top of the trailer......
Mike has been dreaming of a kayak. The obvious advantages are that it is lighter, we can carry it on the top of the Honda, in a storage bin of the trailer, and one person can carry it down to the lake easily. The disadvantage: only one person can ride in it at a time. I've become accustomed to sitting in the canoe while Mike paddles it furiously around the lake, up and down rivers...you get the idea. I like the canoes, they are very romantic...though currently they lay upside down in our back yard with bird droppings all over them....the kids SAVED for them. It makes me sad to get rid of such a tangible part of their childhood. I suspect we'll sell them shortly. They should get a good price. They are in great shape, and we'll most likely buy kayaks....
to match this one......
Mike used the rest of his birthday money and a bit extra and bought this while it was on sale.
I admit that it is lighter....and it will be fun to get ON the water....but we could get all of our family in those two canoes....sigh....
The kids took turns trying out the grand surprise.
De'Etta, what a terrific family gift! When you sell the canoes, are you considering tandem kayaks?
I love the photo at the top of your blog!
{{{{{{{}}}}}}'s and prayers!
De'Etta, I am surprised you don't just mount the canoes on the van...that is what we do! :-) They can be heavy and tough to get up that high. I can understand Mike's thinking.
The two man sea-kayaks are very cool, lighter than canoes and very comfortable.
Change is always very hard.
Dad has a kayak at the lake and the boys LOVE it. We also have an inflatable canoe, which surprisingly holds Jordan and Isaac with a combined weight of about 480 lbs.
I like the pontoon LOLOL........
Michelle....I haven't a clue. LOL Tandem Kayaks? Two seaters? This sounds good to me....
Debbie that is exactly what we did with the Dodge. We'd strap them on the roof. This van is taller - and we often don't have any older ones with us.....but when we tried one canone on the top of the van it kept sliding off.....
I want a pontoon too, Kelly. About tired of politics yet? I swear one of them was on every other commericial during my work out today. LOL
kayaking is so fun....K and I went kayaking this summer with the college group....but it does have the disadvantage of less people
Bre G
So you won't feel terribly deprived of a childhood if we sell the canoes, Bre?
I am through with the election! I debated and debated how to vote today, and my guy needed a miracle and is now down, and seriously considered crossing over for the other party I'd like the most. But I didn't.
But man, it will be nice to turn on the tv or radio tomorrow and have NO political commercials :) The local ones have been driving me batty LOL.
Great pictures, De'Etta! How is it possible that the days can be so full and overwhelming at time and yet the years seem to fly by!!
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