Mike and I met in Bible College. We were still in college when we married. He worked nights, for years. I became a night owl. I loved the quiet hours. I got so much done. Mike and I had children. I loved the morning hours. It was so quiet. I got so much done, but Mike is still a night owl, and so, I'm still a night owl.
I discovered something with this time change: being both a night owl and an early riser ISN'T WORKING FOR ME like it did in my 20's. I'm going to have to begin to get to bed at a "sane" hour, and not get up until at least 5:30.....because I need to remember my name and the multiplication tables in the middle hours of the day.

I discovered something with this time change: being both a night owl and an early riser ISN'T WORKING FOR ME like it did in my 20's. I'm going to have to begin to get to bed at a "sane" hour, and not get up until at least 5:30.....because I need to remember my name and the multiplication tables in the middle hours of the day.
This post made me giggle! :) Love the new photo across the top of your blog, too.
Mom t
LOL, sleeping is a necessity, no matter what you, Cindy and Lisa think!
hmmm....at LEAST 5:30? I haven't seen those numbers in the am intentionally in a LONG time! We are lucky to get up by 8. Perhaps that is why we are behind...hehehehe
Does your nutrionist know you don't sleep?!! That can really mess with your metabolism. That is good excuse for sleeping yes?!!
I'm so with you! At least in the not getting enough sleep but still thinking I'm a college student sort of way. I don't care for the morning hours (not before 8 am anyway).
How does one get to bed at a decent hour and still have that quiet time?
I think not enough sleep is also my problem... I'm in the same boat... night owl and early morning riser! I'm 100% sure that age is part of my problem. I just don't accomplish what I used to... sigh....
Stephanie - hmmm - you have a point.
Kathy - we're alike in so many ways. ::snort::
Cindy - I also think age is a part of it...and I look haggard so need to sleep. LOL
I can not get out of bed that early - I am more the type to want to sleep till 10 and stay up till 1! This is my first stop by since you've gotten the new blog design - love it!
LOL, I'm the one who falls asleep when reading out loud in the afternoon if I'm not eating right.
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