Saturday, April 05, 2008

We're Home

 It was a memorable trip. I was sick. I simply didn't feel like crawling out of bed. Mike took the kids fishing and to the zoo while I slept. They enjoyed two wonderful campfires while I hacked and slept. Stacia was feeling terrible last night, seemed good today and is bad again tonight.  Hopefully, by the end of this week, we'll all kick this congestion, sinus, cough thing.....I think I'm on the mend.

The boys took the camera one a.m. to take photos that sparked their imagination. Jamin often does this to use the photos as he describes settings for his writing...he must have something in mind.....these are just a few...
They were stopped by the park ranger shortly after this and told that no bows are allowed anywhere in the state park. Egads - thankfully, he didn't see the ax photo.::snort::
Later that night Mike and the kids were playing freeze tag up at the castle...up and down the steps, jumpnig here and there...a rousing game of freeze tag. Stacia and I went up to watch...just in time to glimpse Jamin stuck on the roof. He was about to jump off when the same Park Ranger told him to stay put until he brought a ladder. I hid until the man was gone. ::snort:: I was a tad bit embarassed that my well-mannered young men had been chided twice in the same day by the same ranger.
Photos from the zoo.....
The elephants are gone, and there is a new rhino???
They took a bunch of snake photos - which I will NOT post.
This little monkey....
Took quite a liking to Jamin. ::snort::
Hmmm...the older two young men are apparently too old to pose for the traditonal zoo shot...LOL
Morning Walk

The caboose is unpacked and cleaned. It's back at the RV lot. The laundry is running. All have been fed. Mike is restoring a computer that crashed. I've checked our United order and made a couple of adjustments. Stacia is fussy...time for more ear drops. Jamin ended up going into work....back to life.


Herd Momma said...

Where did you go? This looks like a fun zoo. I love Zoos!

Debbie said...

What a drag that you were sick, but at least with your camper, you could rest and the family could still enjoy some fun times.

The weather looks great and the photos are fun. I like to let the kid shave the camera now and then. You sure get a different perspective.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Amy - same zoo you visited.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Debbie, my friend here who works in the pharmacy says that lots of folks are having trouble shaking this thing....I guess I'm in good company.

Herd Momma said...

Ahhh.....Ok. So that is what happened to the elephants. On our tour we only went as far as the giraffes in the dark. If Joy talked about the elephants being gone I missed it. Which isn't hard for me to do. Also, the monkey's didn't look the same to me.
Did you all camp at Buffalo Gap? Is that where the boys took those other great pictures?

Anonymous said...

it looks like such a great trip, I am so sorry you were sick though!

Cynthia said...

Great photos. Sorry you weren't feeling well.