Monday, May 12, 2008

Photobucket MANIC MONDAY

Big Rocks of the day:

I got up early and worked on organizing thoughts for Tuesday's Bible Study.

I went to the gym....45 min on the bike and I finished Escape by Carolyn Jessop. 20 min to do lower body workout.

We did school.

I printed out what I thought was our final order form for our United Order. ::snort:: I began to make individual invoices for each person - yikes!

We went to speech. I took my laptop and planned to continue working on invoices but couldn't get online. I worked on organizing my thoughts some more for Bible Study.

We came home and I sat down to work on invoices, got a call that the truck would be in in 20 minutes (a few hours early).

We met the United truck, nice new driver, drove home and I continued to work on invoices...but the totals weren't matching......Mike came home and he and the boys started working on splits and sorting.....Heather showed up and figured out all the math for me - hey a BOOKKEEPER! See how smart it was for me to make her my IT support? ::Snort::

We had dinner at 9:00.

Bought the tickets for Mike and the older 3 young men to go see Narnia at midnight. I'll take the younger ones the next afternoon. I'd be no good for produce co-op if I went to a movie that begins at midnigh (and um....I'd snore through the movie anyway at that time!).

Kids are bathed and in bed.

Little Rocks: I breathed and consciously relaxed except for about 10 min of sheer panic when the invoices weren't matching the order form totals. ::snort::

The library called and I have the new John Grisham book in my possesion.

Josiah met with his advisor in the business department and has registered for the fall semester. He earned a 3.5 this year - not bad when he's worked 40 - 50 hours a week. I can't believe he worked 48 hours during finals week and pulled A's and a B. He gets THAT from his father. I was more the class clown. ::snort::



Linda said...

I started The Appeal Saturday night. Knowing you, DeEtta, you'll finish it long before me! LOL!

Anonymous said...


Just a few seconds before I have to pretend to be working. :) Finished IEP's computer stuff for my boss for the 2008-2009 year. Just have to keep up with updates as meetings happen every single day.


Sis: You do manage to stay busy and in a way that is good. and in a way maybe not. :) You go for it because I can speak from experience that there will come a day when you absolutely will not be able to get as much done in a day as you are use to. I get so disgusted when my head says one thing and the body makes me do another. But they still don't know my age here. :):) Had to laugh to myself when I heard someone make a statement about someone else that they were "pushing 70". I'll probably be older than that when I quit working. :):) l/p Mom T

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Linda - I read it at the gym this a.m. Reading is becomng a nice motivator to go to the gym. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

You'll soon have another year in the can, Mom.

Cynthia said...

You have definitely raised a hard working young man!