Do you see him? Can you see his precious little head above the oran?
The little ones wanted to sit in the balcony last night. I thought we might be less of a distraction to the students up there and so agreed. Zander headed for the organ. Mr. Ivan said, "don't worry, no one can turn it on." I looked skeptical. Mr. Ivan said, "He won't be able to turn it on."
I le Zander "play" along with the praise team...imagine my SHOCK when loud, rolling, chords began to come from the organ.....oh my WORD.
Mr. Ivan was shocked. He had Zander show him how he maked it work - involved several buttons and such....
It really was fairly funny....and some folks didn't even realize there had been extra sounds. ::snort:: Doing our bit to "lower the mark" for pastor's kids everywhere. ::snort::
This was as funny as when another chaplain's child - NOT OURS - was hiding in the altar during service and the cross began to move.....poor chaplain. ::snort::
LOL! Now why in the world would he think Zander wouldn't be able to turn that on? If anyone could, he certainly could! :)
My thoughts exactly, Linda. I tried to warn him. If ANYONE could figure it out - he could. He showed him HOW to turn it on in case they never need it on again.
One of the saddest things I've ever heard: another AF chaplain's wife who was determined that her kids would never be called "Pastor's Kids." As if there were something wrong with that. :( I think her goal was that she didn't want that to single them out...
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