Today was our first day of produce co-op with the new pricing. It went well. We had lots of new members....and lots of new things for the children and I to consider when sorting. We ended up not having enough of the single shares set aside.....but I had ordered 4 shares so went down to 3. A lot of new variables to learn. LOL
Here is a $15 share from today
Here is a $28 share from today
I've realized a few things. I have to get enough for the single shares, but not too much for the double shares..... 2 pineapples every week or 2 bunches of celery every week won't go well for our doubles - those will be every other week.....2 heads of lettuce on the other hand is fine with our doubles so we can get those weekly.....and other cases we've been avoiding because of the large shares may now be options (tomatoes, cucumbers)....because there are more folks getting little amounts....but that means the case would be split more ways and more manageable.....
Anyway - that's what I did today. ::Snort:: The broccoli we were given was awful. I took it back and asked for our fresh box off the truck. They gave me a case of strawberries because they gave us the wrong box....that works for me. ::snort:: It wasn't enough to split with co-op and since it was free and not paid for by co-op $, and since I don't get paid for my gas, I kept it. Yeah - more smoothie fruit in the freezer. LOL
gosh...seeing those containers of fresh fruits and veggies makes me realize how much I MISS having a produce co-op....sigh....
Would a local grocery store work with you? That is what we do. He gives us 20 - 30% off case prices....but it's not from a farmer's market or a produce terminal - in other words we don't get bottom $ but we get fresh off the truck, supermarket quality. LOL
That's sort of what we did... same with bigger things like melons - musk, water, cantalope, etc.... too much to double for 2 shares so they got double of other things.... I LOVED that part of figuring out what to order (LOL)... and sometimes it didn't always come out exact either... some people liked grapefruit and others didn't so we were able to switch things around for them, too after we got to know people's tastes.. obviously not able to change things too much, but when dividing up the extras we were able to figure out who to give what...
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