Today was a bit different in the parade of days.
Three years ago I met a friend at chapel, Charly. Charly moved away. Shortly after Charly moved away Sherri began to attend PWOC. Sherri and Charly are great friends. Lilly and Regan (respective daughters) are great friends. Today they did one of their infamous daughter swaps. Both take off driving and stop in 1 1/2 - 2 hours.......and meet. I was invited to go along. It was fun to see Charly again. Lilly is now home with Charly and Regan for a bit of time.
It was fun to visit with Sherri....and hear more about various assignments we may want to wish for.....Sherri liked Holloman and Colorado Springs.....and I got to see Sherri's home - it's gorgeous....and meet her youngest, Daniel. He's a cutie and quite a talker too.
I got home in time to enjoy a rousing storm, take Jamin to work, fix dinner and get children to bed.
Mike and Jared are out I updated....and I have photos to share.
You know, Kristine (Dorothy, Debbie in N NY...), if I lived in a scenic area like YOU DO - I would have snapped some photos...but it's pretty much FLAT around here....and no mountains. Ask Linda. ::snort:: So this will have to be a boring photoless entry.
Oh, yes! NOTHING! There is NOTHING there between cities. Oh, except dead deer on the side of or in the middle of the road. There are plenty of those. Last night, on the other hand, on the way home from church, we saw an alive deer on the side of the road in the little stretch where we always see them. ALIVE! I hope to not see another dead deer for a LONG time! :)
Well, De'Etta, I feel I have to post my scenic pictures because my life is often so boring! You are always busy and doing, so you don't need to pretty pictures.
LOL Linda - well there ARE more live deer than just don't spot them as easily. LOL
Debbie - your life is NOT boring - but your gardens and scenery ARE spectacular.
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