I survived a 65 min workout.
We called Bre and sang happy birthday to her. In fact I got to talk to her TWICE today.
Stacia decided it was time to do THIS....I don't know what she is doing. She found me and said, "K - let's go Mom". Swimsuit, church shoes (wrong feet), granny glasses....she was dancing.
We did school.
I kept working on United stuff. I'll finish that up tomorrow and it will be nearly done for another month.
Sheri came over so that I could demonstrate how to bake bread. We also went online to see how much CM 12 x 12 prints would be when you add in shipping and taxes. I called the local stores and have a few more to try sometime tomorrow. Also on the "scrapping front", Cindy, a friend I met in MT, offered to have me email her a few pages. She's going to have them printed at Costco so that I can see if I like them, if I like glossy or matte better, what size the photos turn out - because they will be bigger than they are on my small screen.....all that sort of stuff.
These kids wanted to learn a new game, rather than bake bread. LOL I bought Settlers of Catan at Christmas and they are finally getting around to figuring it out. LOL
Unfortunately, Stacia had a long nap while we baked bread.
Jared had his for lawn job the season. YES. He had done work for these folks before and was thrilled to be called back this year.
After mowing, Jared jumped in the pool. Things are a bit rowdier when the big boys arrive.
I ran out the to visit Mike and discuss the day's events.
Josiah signed the papers on an apartment, but I wasn't allowed to go with him to take photos. ARGH. I guess it had to happen at some point. I do have his first day of college photos. ::snort::
Now, I'm waiting for Stacia to fall asleep. She's beside me watching Tweety Bird...and I'm computing in bed. LOL
Are you happy w/ your pool, De'Etta? We're thinking about getting one like it--ok, I'm trying to convince hubby it's a good idea. :)
I love it. Our yard is really not level and so it was a LOT of work for Mike and the boys to get it level.....and then the sand is giving away so it is still not level....but we are loving it.
Can you believe that on my 2nd trip to Costco to print your pictures I discovered that I saved the wrong ones to my memory stick this time.... ugh.... This time I've double checked the memory stick and I really have the right photos and tomorrow I will print them and mail them!
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