I headed to the gym.
The minute I walked into the house Zander wanted in the pool. I had decided we'd do school and I'd leave at lunch for my appointment, then they'd swim this afternoon when I got home. I quickly realized that if they swam in the a.m., they could do school while I was gone, which would help the older boys. We shifted to summer schedule.
I let them in the pool. I discovered that I can do many things sitting on the patio with my laptop: put together a produce order, call the produce order in, email produce co-op members, package paperback swap books (link in sidebar), search ingredients for United products, return several phone calls....
Then it was lunch time and I was off.
It was my every 6 week appointment with Heather. She has promised to tell me when I am 60% gray and then I'll let it go......but today she covered the gray again.
I stopped by a local scrapbook store, but it is closed until tomorrow.
Back at home we did school.
I had to make yet another trip to Walmart. Stacia needed swimsuits that would fit. I'm not sure I got a photo that shows it, but she's been INSISTING in swimming in her dress. Mom, she reminds me of the students and our swim parties in Mangagoy. I also needed to buy pool chemicals. I didn't need, but bought anyway, some swim noodles and a little chair thing so when everyone is tired of holding Stacia she can float. She was such a daredevil before her scary jump into the pool at the end of last pool season. I'm sure she'll be daring again, but for now she's timid - and that's fine with me.
We all went to Mr. G's. - Wed night - children eat free with an adult. Josiah and friends met us there. We all came home for a bit of visiting. Steve and Debbie arrived to pick up Steven and Michael.
The older 3 young men went to the gym to play basketball. Mike got home a few minutes after they left and we all jumped in the pool (little ones, he and I).
You can almost see Stacia's dress in this shot
This is the little chair I got for Stacia but I think she feels insecure in it.
YUP! Swimming in a dress is one thing I am glad we don't do over here much. OF COURSE I am a rebel and never did swim in a dress... :) A baggy shirt and LONG shorts were all I could endure. :):) After all those years in Mangagoy I am totally embarassed to get into a swim suit anymore....... :):)
What a nice time you can all have in your pool..... neat!
l/p Mom T
Looks like you're having fun! This is kind of off the subject of pools but...I just found out that HI the company who makes the Nany Drew Computer games is coming out with a Hardy Boys Game this fall. It didn't have a rating yet, but I thought I'd pass this on.
You make my day!
You have been given an award!!
It is HERE
Bess, you bless me. You remind me so much of our older girls at your age. Thanks for the heads' up. Nolan and Zander will LOVE Hardy Boys.....it has sort of bugged nameless older male types in the house when they "play as Nancy". ::snort::
We'll be waiting to see what the ratings are on the games.
What fun you all are having with your pool. We are waiting, not so patiently for ours to be repaired!
I have also found that watching the kids by the pool forces me to stay still and I manage to get quite a bit done. This year we have wi-fi and the laptop, so I know I'll use that quite a bit.
I absolutely LOVE our wireless internet for the vary reasons you mentioned!! I don't know why I resisted getting the wireless router and network for so long...
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