I am trying to get May scrapped and then I can have them printed somewhere and feel that I'm current SOMEWHERE! ::snort:: I did discover that the key to saving time with digiscrapping will be to make a "principle" for myself NOT to change albums. I found a new design template for birthdays this a.m. that I thought would be great for Arielle's birthday photos....but she LIKED the one we did yesterday. If I were to start second-guessing designs this would NOT save me any time. ::snort::
Here are some less fussy pages.
I have a great squadron page but haven't asked permission and they are minors.
This page has just Jared and the commader (who is NOT a minor) Yes, he found out Wed that he is May's Cadet of the Month. He also filled all the requirements for Tech but won't be able to pin it on until June.
( On the above I switched from plaids to a plain brown background, removed their title and put in my own, and Jared wanted "med" embellishments)
Here's one of Nolan and Miss Natalie (I used full embellishments but went with brown - a manly unfussy color instead of plaid and stripes)
I continue to research "options" for digital printing - full bleed, color corrected, paper weight, prices. I am still hoping to find a place HERE that will print 12 x 12 prints. If you have more experience than I with printing things out, I'd love any tips you care to share....favorite place to order prints online, favorite options, albums, things to watch out for....
Love the foto's. Fun to see! Next best thing to being there!
Hey...isn't that one of Dani Mogstad's kits? I think I have that one too! I didn't know you were branching out so far as to include buying kits too!
LMK if you need some suggestions for digistores. I can let you know which stores have the best deals on certain days of the week. For example, Designer Digitals always has two new items for .25 cents every Sunday, and 30% off deals every Thursday.
Welcome to the Dark Side! lol...
Jen in N TX
Jen - I NEED your expertise. I have no clue who it is - it was a design at smilebox...but I love it. LOL
Now I have to figure out what to do with all these pages.....
If I understand this, you are creating your pages online and then printing? Is that correct?
If so, then this is a kind of scrapping I can get excited enough about to try!
CM is beautiful, but beyond me.
Darshia - yes. I'm currently simply using templates at smilebox.com. You save them to your computer and then print them. I'm still trying to find a local source to print them and barring that I will use an online company.
I'm playing with various styles and templates. I did 7 pages this a.m. that are plain jane but they will provide a breather in the book from the fussy - which Mike doesn't appreciate as much as I....and they'll be cheaper because there are more photos on a page. I do feel limited by some of the options on Smilebox - even after playing with all the templates. LOL I like the plain ones I did but would like more options for WHERE I put the text and what color background I use....eventually I may look at either Photo Elements or CM software....starting to explore but for now this is allowing me to make lots of progress....they have a 2 week trial period....I'm trying to get all done that I can in 2 weeks. Two reasons - 1. to take advantage of the free offer and 2. to see if my desire for options will overrule my desire for quick. LOL But I am happy with these. LOL
It does take some time to go back and forth to different albums, but I do that because I like being able to have up to 9 pics on a page and they don't offer that in every album, but I emailed them a few weeks ago with that suggestion. Hopefully they'll see the merit in it for those of us looking for SPEED!
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