Saturday, October 18, 2008

Photobucket Long Weekends Curse or Blessing?

Like all federal employees (dh works for the USAF), we had a 3 day weekend due to Columbus Day. The problem with 3 day weekends is that it gives you a 4 day "work week". We found ourselves cramming 5 days of ministry activities, school activities, family activities in to 4 days. It's been wild.

What has not happened:
Blog reading or blog posting
Entering reciepts into MS Money
Much else

What has happened:
Monday - Drove 5 hours home from Dallas, met United semi (almost) for food pick-up (Thanks Roy for inventory as we were late), sorted and delivered United Food Co-op Food, Jared had basketball

Tuesday - School, led PWOC Bible Study, gym

Wednesday - gym, hair, produce order, regional and local PWOC issues

Thursday - gym, library, House of Faith, piano lessons, CAP, regional and local PWOC issues, retirement dinner

Friday - Produce pick up and co-op, voting for kids, safe running seminar (Jamin), basketball for Jared, shopping, retirement ceremony, regional and local PWOC issues

Today - spouse breakfast in 20 minutes, CLEAN HOUSE, PMOC (Protestant Men of the Chapel) family BBQ, Nutcracker practice for Nolan.....who knows, who brother and his wife will arrive sometime on Sunday. (I'm going to leave this post at the top as I hope to post some quick blurbs throughout the morning).

©2008 D.R.G.


Paula said...

Aren't you glad you're not a working woman! {GRIN}

Anonymous said...

Sis: It is the last week of the month that we get Thur/Fri off from school due to grading. Teacher work but not we EA's. Nice!

Glad you are back home cuz we so look forward to hearing what you are doing and seeing all the foto's etc.

keeps us young!


Mom T

Anonymous said...


They say 3rd times a ???

Anyway! Yesterday postoffices throughout the state sent out the ballots.

We got ours today. We are done voting and the ballots have been deposited in the voting thing-a-ma-jigs already.

Bet we got it done before you all. :):)

Goodness there were 2 LONG pages of stuff to vote on.

I'm hoping Mikhail got his registeration done in time cuz this is the first year he can vote. What fun that will be.

Don't you have several kids who get to vote for the 1st time?


Mom T

Cynthia said...

Our weekends are always so full.. I remember leisurely weekends growing up....