Giving Thanks ~ Day 10!
~I'm thankful that the day is nearly over.....what a busy day! LOL
~I'm thankful for friends who helped with United so I could "stay focused".
~I'm thankful that Josiah is driving Jamin home from work tonight.
~I'm thankful that Krista called and we chatted.
~I'm thankful Mike has tomorrow off and can spend the day with the kids.
~I'm thankful that Zander slept most the day and isn't throwing up.
~I'm thankful that this came today.....haven't had time to open it, but it looks like the old one...only newer. ::snort::
~I'm thankful that I can go pack and every item on my list will be crossed off - except the phone call to the Dentist. grrrrr.
©2008 D.R.G.
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