Friday, December 05, 2008

A Very Full Day

This was a very busy day. I'll simply post glimpses.

"Among the keys" or "black and white music"
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The hunt is on.
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"Jamin, pick a card. Now put it on top. I can tell you which card is yours." ::snort::
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Nope - the seeds are not your gift - they got little rulers (this was from yesterday).
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Our activity directive of the day - "Go to Christmas at Fort Concho."
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This spouse from FT Hood was fun to visit with. I got a new appreciation for how TOUGH it was to be a military family at the Fort in the 1800's. I'll try to keep this perspective during our upcoming move. LOL
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Tea Brick - cool - they'd grate a bit of tea into a mug of hot water and there you had it.
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Zander was most impressed with the cannon and the green backs.
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We happened into the school trips, before it was really open to the public....but many of the re-enactors enjoyed giving us specialized instruction and history lessons. We heard many times, "we can tell you are a homeschool family" - and they seemd OK with that. ::snort::
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This was very interesting. Each block told a story....
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More tea prep....
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Jamin reads a clue to Zander
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More tea prep
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Party Boys on Opening Night
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Someone gave them yo-yo's....imagine 6 boys in a small room, with yo-yo's and hours on their hands. ::snort:: I was glad they had something to keep them really busy. One night down - two to go.
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Gingerbread Men - Erik, James and Nolan
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I'm very proud of the lessons Nolan is learning and the way he's conquered hesitations. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

©2008 D.R.G.


Cynthia said...

WOW. What a great field trip thrown in amongst all the other things you had going on.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful family building and memories you all share!

Stephanie said...

That must have been so much fun! I love the commentary. Now I want to learn more about how spouses had to live during the war. lol I've talked to a few at a re-enactment about how families lived, but really it was so basic that I just wanted to know more. And now you've started that interest again... thanks... lol (kidding)

Congrats to Nolan for opening night!

Anonymous said...


Congrats to Nolan..... he looks great and cute. Dare I still say ways he looks are cute? :):) So awesome that he did this..... WOW!

Fort C. looks like a lot of fun and how great you all got special attention paid to you...... good schooling and learnintg etc.

Wonder what the tea tasted like? HUMMMMM!

l/p Mom T

Jodi said...

Congratulations to Nolan on a sucessful Nutcracker experience! The boys do looks so cute in the gingerbread men costumes.