Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do the Next Thing

We continued to work on things around our home.

Here Jamin oils the picture frame paneling...in living room and kitchen. He also organized the garage.


I found MORE homeschool stuff I can part with....and found even more after I sent out my list. ::snort:: I've been answering emails about sales items.



PWOC in the evening. The slate for the 2009-2010 Executive Board was approved.

Psst....those last two photos are my Working Lunch Blog Challenge entry. No, there's no lunch in the photo because as often happens when I'm a bit busy...I forgot the lunch part of the lunch and worked to post books right up until I left for drama. ::snort::

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.


Romany said...

ummmm....I guess we're left to wonder about the garlic....


Cynthia said...

LOL about your working lunch.. your desk at lunch time looks like mine except I do eat lunch because I can't go without.