We drove through MORE beautiful country today. I hadn't a clue that SD was this pretty. We did not start out to visit SD - but here we are in Hill City.
Earlier in the day the wiper on the Toyota fell off. Mike happened to be behind us and stopped to see what was going on.
We finally met up at the KOA here quite late and decided to go out to dinner rather than cook in the trailer. I DID get the laundry done. We found a Route 16 (that isn't a type o) diner....food was good, waitress needs more tips. It is COLD here....I had taken little ones and swimsuits ahead but there was NO WAY we were going in when it was 54* outside. ::snort::
We had to take this photo for Jamin - notice the sign above their heads, Jamin.
We ran into some guys who come up each night from Rapid City to put on a Western gunfight. They do it for donations and all monies go to the Children's Miracle Network. It was a lot of fun.
We ran up to Rushmore on a lark (we plan to go tomorrow)...WOW. We visited the exhibits, watched a few movies....and stayed for the lighting ceremony. They had all vets and military members come forward during the ceremony and at the end said, "These are the "men" willing to give their lives to keep your life safe." Everyone cheered. Zander looked at me and said, "Oh great...NOW Dad is going to give his life for them???!!" I told him, "That's what the military does, Zander." We talked more.
Photos (we'll take the Nikon tomorrow LOL).
Amazing! I'm so glad to have made it. Thanks, Krista, for the plan and Mike for being willing to drive out of the way to make it happen.
Zander & Stacia loved the little plunger/explosion display. ::snort:: Zander held court in the amphitheater....I heard him telling all the kids around him, "This was built in the 1980's and BHO is going to have his face up there next to President Lincoln." I got his facts straightened out. ::snort::
I LOVE this photo. They had a coke machine at the entrance...Keep dreaming son, keep dreaming. Why not in 2029?
Lots of Vets and active duty...Mike is the one with military bearing....first long row...second from the right.
FUN and FULL day. We didn't know we were doing this in time to get in touch with the M and L families from Alaska. We tried. It's killing me to be 29 miles from good friends and not reach them.....but this is what happens on spontaneous adjustments. LOL
Rushmore is beautiful lit up and night, but my little Cannon didn't do it justice. Five hour drive to Hardin tomorrow.
Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.
~ Coram Deo ~
Living all of life before the face of God...
You all look so cold. Texas took away your Alaska blood!
The next time we go we want to be sure to take in a lighting ceremony!
Glad you have a short drive today!
Yeah! I'm glad you all got to see Mount Rushmore. And you found a camping spot?????? In Aug. is the big motorcycle rally in Sturgis, and for at least a month before and after, there is not a place to be had anywhere.
Hey Goecker's,
We were gone for the weekend. I enjoyed catching up with how the trip is going. Beautiful pictures. So sorry to hear about Bea. Blessings to you all,
The Zesch gang
Memories! You are now covering ground we are very familar with. PLEASE do greet everyone in Hardin for us. Hope to someday get back there ourselves.
Sorry you are all cold. Guess you are all gradually getting use to cold for this next assignment.
love you all so much and will be so glad when we get to spend a few days with you all.
love/prayers Dad/Mom T.
The weather here is UNSEASONABLY cold....even those who live in MT are saying it's cold and bundled up. ::snort::
We didn't make it back to Rushmore the 2nd day as it was fogged in and you coudln't see a thing. Glad we went up the night we arrived.
I've always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore! I bought my son, Nick, a tote bag at the Cincinnati Homeschool convention that has a picture of Mt. Rushmore with the phrase, "When you're homeschooled, there's no telling where you'll end up!" He's been begging to go there ever since then!
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