Before I say a thing further - we NEVER leave valuables in the car. We NEVER leave our personal documents in the van....never...EXCEPT for this one time...and there you have it. We are fully aware that this is our responsibility....but we need to figure it out from here.
We're about to be interviewed for the local news. Now THAT will be fun....maybe the police dept will now take tips seriously...maybe the hotel will get a bit more interested in helping me out. LOL Now to ditch the boys' cowboy hats before the interview. ::snort::
Air Force PA says to go ahead and go for it.....looks like Mike is flying and we aren't.
Recent developments:
Tim and Kathy (of last week's water fight) have loaned us their mini-van.
The less than genius robbers "charged" with Krista's debit for gas, Verizon accounts, groceries....they even tried to get Krista's employee discount at Albert sons. Last night at 11 p.m. they got gas at Sullivans and groceries at Burien Albertsons. Police says that won't help them find them. ::sigh::
We're to get the whole city's eyes out looking for the van.
McChord insists that getting replacement passports is the same process as new and that I'll have to start with birth certificates and then apply for passports.....but they have a couple of rooms the kid and I can stay in. We've spent an hour on hold with the State Dept and can't reach a person to verify that there is no other way to do this.
NARHS (our umbrella school) said to send them a summary sheet, course description, homeschool transcript and the police report and they will accept that for Jamin's final grades....if Jared's portfolio doesn't show up in a few weeks we'll do the same for his Freshman year. They are doing this because of our long standing relationship, our "stellar records" in the past and their belief that we are people of integrity. They are also praying for us and our advisor reminded me that there is a blessing in this for us, if I will look for it. I'm looking.
I'm trying to figure out HOW to finalize a plan for the younger ones and I. Mike and the older ones will leave tomorrow.
A son just quipped that I should go ask certain political figures how THEY got quick birth certificates. ::snort::
Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.
~ Coram Deo ~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Please have Mike call the State Department.... I know that Scott's boss got it FAST..... and be sure to have all the paperwork signed by Mike since a number of the kids need both parent signatures for passports....
still praying
Oh, DeEtta - why couldn't you get stranded in TULSA?! You should have planned this better - ha!
Be SURE to let us know what tv station, so we can look for an online version.
Also, if they used the cards so many places, surely there's somewhere or several somewheres that they were videoed - right? If the Bad Burglers fit in your van & look anything like that homeschool family in the Tim Hawkins video, try to get copies for us, okay? And find out if Tim has an alibi.
(Continuing to pray)
I'm really impressed with NARHS! They sound wonderful. I agree with the comment on videotapes of these guys using Krista's debit card. An old friend of mine's son was carjacked in the drive-thru at Jack-in-the-Box recently. They found the guys who did it (and stole his truck) because they used his debit card somewhere and they had them on video. The police in this area do NOT seem to be very competent!
I don't know what to say, friend. I just CANNOT believe what you are going through in this move. How can Mike go without his passport??? I will be praying hard!!!! Please hang in there, all of you. When you get to the other side of this darkness, Christ will be beaming. Just keep following in His steps.
Praying, praying, praying.
I'm simply speechless, so I'll not say anything. I'm praying. I'll send you some of my fluffy clothes if you end up surviving on peanut m&ms for the next few weeks ;-)
After years of being so glad we don't have TV, now I wish we did! What channel? (We'll go to the neighbors!)
And now I'm getting all indignant - I hope when you go on TV they highlight the fact that you are a MILITARY family, serving your country!
There may be an outpouring of help, with the publicity... maybe even speed things through "channels".
So sorry this happened, though.
Julie... again
Praying the newscast of your situation proves to be fruitful on many fronts! Continuing to pray for all of you!
Love your son's sense of humor! ;)
Wowie Zowie! I thought the adreneline adventure would start when you got to Japan! {g}
I admire how you listed all the wonderful things you are thankful for. Mike is right. You ARE strong! God's grace is shining through you in these circumstances.
Don't lose heart. Our Lord knows what the chief thief is trying to steal from you and while he can touch your earthly identities, your eternal ones are securely untouchable.
Now I know why you didn't need us (me) to stay up to help........... you don't want to share the M&M's!!! :):)
Yes, what TV channel?
By now we hope you all have been able to STOP all things on all accounts etc. AND vehicle insurance etc. I'd love to be up there driving around and spot your van. :):):) really!!!
Mike is right in that you are every bit as strong as your Grandma Si..... and she was absolute di-no-mite!
PTL for the Mini-van!
love/prayers Dad/Mom T
My heart aches for all of you. That video of Mike talking made me cry. I hope and pray these crazy people who took your van watch this and realize what they have done. They will have to answer to God. Continuing to pray here.....
My gh suggested contacting the Clark Howard Show. Gh said his staff specializes in knowing what to do to protect your identities and, who knows, may help you contact the 3 credit reporting agencies, (passport ideas?), et al. He said Clark is Guard, so he understands military lingo and missions. Your story might even be shared on air.
Praying for you through the magnatude of this loss and possible separation if passports can't be replaced quickly.
We'll be East Coast for 15 days, but if you need anything from up North here when we're back, tell me and I'm on it!
You may not know me, but I have enjoyed your blog for many months now and am encouraged by the way you really do "choose joy"! I'm praying for some solutions and competent investigating.
Blessings to you, Mighty Woman of God!
P.S. Hey, why not come up here to Alaska and get your "time in" for PFD's??? :) I know, I know -- so much advice, so little thought! :/
De'Etta and family-
Our family is praying for you all. I don't have any words of wisdom but sometimes that is best.
PS-Saw your interview on some website and your faith came across very clear to me. ;o)
Goodness, some people will do anything to get on tv! {vbg}
You poor things. Ugh! Praying some good comes of it all.
I'm a media hound. ::snort:: I'll do anything for a bit of fame. ::snort:: ::gasp:: ::giggle::
**while he can touch your earthly identities, your eternal ones are securely untouchable.**
YES - this was so encouraging.
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