Yeah, he IS my very own husband bringing a cart load of boxes to the Joy.
Six of the Eight boxes Deja sent have arrived. I bet I can pick up the other two tomorrow!!!! I'm very excited. Thank you so much....and Heather too...for letting us order some extras with the group. I can bake bread this week.
Let's see...what else did we do today? A couple of quick Skypes. School. Nice Skype with Mom and Dad. Piano Lessons. Arielle, Stacia and I went to the Y100 store to buy gifts for this month's Advent Calendar/Hunt. I'll have to post more about that in a bit.
I printed off some free curriculum to go with the BOZ DVD that was loaned to me last week. We'll give that a shot tomorrow in PKOC (OK that's NOT our name - we don't have a name...but if there's PYOC, PWOW, PMOC...P KOC sounds fun for the kids. ::snort::). I figured out which of the many games and crafts I wanted to attempt. I gathered supplies for those activities.
I wrote up Committee reports for the local PWOC board meeting. I'm currently the Titus 2 advisor and the Interim Children's Ministry Coordinator.
That's about it for the day. GOOD GRIEF, I FORGOT TO EAT! ::snort::
OH, Photobucket has MORE ads for Lord type games with scantily clad women on my account...I'm trying this to see if the things that frustrated me about blogger are still around. If not, I'm switching to Picassa if I don't have to have ads. Mike says $20 is a small price to pay. ::snort:: I'm worried Picassa will do the same things blogger does to me...strange spaces, dropped uploads...but I'm giving blogger a shot with this we'll see if there are strange spaces. Looks o.k. now. LOL
Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Hey, why don't you drop in and we'll have you be the active one in being busy one day for me. ::):) love/prayers --- Mom T.
Dad will pick up Mike's folks and visit the girls today with them. I want to see the girls place lit up at night. :):):) Love/prayers.....
Obviously, the spacing still appears different when you use blogger photo from the preview screen. ::snort::
Mom, I'm so glad Dad can do this today. Praying they all have a good time.
FYI ~ PKOC (Peacocks) is actually getting ready to become an official program, kind of an offshoot (offspring, if you will LOL) of PWOC. Imagine a group of military women birthing a bunch of military babies. Oh wait, sounds like our families LOL.
That's weird about photobucket. I never see any of those ads. And, I've notice spacing issues on my computer which sometimes varies depending on the browser I'm using more than the program, if that make sense.
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