I just finished our Family Calendar....shhhh.... Mom, when they arrive, please give the second one to Will & Sherri. I knew I wanted to make these again, but I wasn't sure it was going to happen. Shew. I will not wait until the last minute next year....made it with 20 min to spare. No, I haven't ordered our cards and I'm not sure I will. I'm still debating. One benefit of waiting until December arrived is that I do the monthly pages with photos from that month. SO....I had some Advent photos and even one of the play for December's page. LOL
We held our last Bible study of 2009 today. We've voted to go to the Onsen next week. It's our Christmas Party.....I toyed with suggesting we wait a week to maybe talk Windy into going (::snort::) and take my girls too...but I decided if I hope to get the girls there it will probably be best not to have a whole group going?
Mom, they made it. Thanks. The kids are very excited to see something besides the lone amazon.com box under the tree. Though, I HAVE had our Christmas books spread out under the tree and guess I'll need to move them. ::grin::
We ran out of little gifts to hide last night.....guess I better think of something for tonight.
I can't remember if Mike said he'd be home late tonight or on time...guess he'll surprise us. I think I'll go make some 3 Cheese Garlic Chicken Pasta.
Bre will be home in 7 days
Krista will be home in 9 days
Jamin and Josiah will be home in 11 days
Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Regarding the boys coming home! YEA! I can't wait for the where in the world are they updates and prayers as they travel. This should be REALLY exciting!
Guess what?? My over taping looks like it paid off and nothing came open. :):):):)
Glad all the boxes made it. It really is not that expensive.
love/prayers -- Mom T.
My mind boggles at all the flight patterns they'll all be on. I think I'll settle for knowing they are in Hachinhoe ready to get off the train. LOL
I'm going to have the girls check at the various 2nd hand places to find a large suitcase each. They don't have and we don't anymore. Going to ask Will/Sherri tonight.
exciting getting ready for their trip. They seem to be enjoying it all. :):)
lobr/prayers -- Mom T.
Hey mom I just thought I would let you know that I want to go to a Onsen and I don't care who is there.
>>>>>>toyed with suggesting we wait a week to maybe talk Windy into going (::snort::)<<<<<<<
Good luck with that. I don't think I've ever even seen Windy's arms. {g} I'm pretty sure she has some though.
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