Very, very observant blog followers may have noticed that I added a new Memorial Stone for 2010 a few days ago. I've been seeing tests and worksheets to help one chose the "right word for the year". It seems the purpose is to pick a word to motivate one's self or define one's self... My "word of the year" is a bit different. It's a personal memorial stone.
I don't pick it. It picks me, in a sense. In my quiet times, usually in the fall, I began to sense a word that will clue me in to a theme God is going to work in and through me during the upcoming year/season. Often these words don't "stop" at a new year....they linger... works such as holiness, grace, glory, wholehearted love, choosing joy, surrender, intimacy.....God has worked each concept into my life, and these words have truly served as memorial stones to that work. Sometimes I'm excited to begin to glimpse the word, i.e. "intimacy." Sometimes I think "really?" i.e. "surrender."
With all that said, I do have a word/stone for 2010. I can look back in my Life Journal and clearly pinpoint when God showed me my word for 2010. I was reading Ezekiel. It made LITTLE SENSE to me. The word is "watchman". It's not flashy. It's not current. It's not vibrant. I knew in October it was THE WORD for 2010 and I know it now. I sense that this path is going to call me out of my comfort zone. I can already see it beginning to work out in my I was placed in regional leadership with PWOC - time to watch/guard/intercede...... As Mike deploys, I have his back. As we live in Japan and pray for God's heart for the nation. I sense that God is going to take the recent years of focus on surrender and intimacy and call me to now stand guard and do battle...though I'm not sure exactly what this means.
I share in Intimacy Revisited some of the lessons God has taught me in this year of Intimacy. This has been a wonderful year of beholding His face in ever growing intimacy and vulnerability. I've not had a lot of time to blog it, as I've spent lots more time than normal in study, prayer and meditation. I have a lot of "musing" blog posts in my Life Journal...maybe I'll take a retreat with my laptop and write and write and write some weekend. ::snort::
I have previously written about my Personal Memorial Stones.
I sense 2010 is the year that God is going to lead to a path of standing as a watchman. I'm sure to grab a concordance, do some word studies, find some books and eventually get a clearer grasp as to what this path means.
Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Honey we love you so much. You make us proud of the way you have allowed God to work and move in your life. Both you and Mike are so sold out to following God that a parent can only PTL and pray a lot, daily for you and your ministries.
For sure all the things you have listed are "watchman" ministries. We are excited to see just all the different things God will be doing in your life as you stand guard and watch......... we'll be there with you in prayer.
love you honey..... what a woman of God you have and are continuing to become.
love/prayers --- Dad/Mom T.
I would prefer a God-given word, but nothing has jumped out at me as I've prayed about it. But I am more determined than ever to simplify so perhaps it really is a God inspired word... I don't know, but I'm going with it (LOL)
I have been waiting for and looking forward to this post. I love how He is leading you. Look forward to learning more as He leads and reveals. What a year this will be and already is!
Cindy - haven't read about your word....guess I'd best find time to go blog reading. LOL Simplify sounds God inspired to me. LOL
Oh yes. I've done a TON of reading about my word, but it still doesn't seem like a God-given word like yours do! Did you ever read Clutter-free Christianity when it was a review book? I read the first chapter and stopped because it was something I'd need TIME for... so I'm thinking there may be things in that book which I'll process at length. I've gotten it back out and hope to start into it again next week...
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