Joshua Harris has succeeded in writing a primer on orthodox doctrine and theology in Dug Down Deep: Unearthing what I believe and why it matters. Theology - the study of God. Doctrine - Teachings of the gospel. These are things that EVERY Christian should know and be concerned about. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Josh has written a book that is EASY to read (and many theology books aren't), is sound, is rock-solid and personal.
I loved Joshua's honest sharing of his journey with God. I wholeheartedly agree with his premise that orthodoxy, doctrine and theology matter! However, more than having it right, we need to apply what we know! We need to be more concerned about "getting it right" and "living it right" ourselves, than we are about judging others' orthodoxy. Josh brings these points home.
I planned to share extensive quotes, but after listening to my thoughts on this book, Mike packed it. I plan to have all my children read this book. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy to giveaway, but this book is well-worth the price to have in your home library.
Author Bio: Joshua Harris is senior pastor of Covenant Life in Gaithersburg, Maryland, which belongs to the Sovereign Grace network of local churches. A passionate speaker with a gift for making theological truth easy to understand, Joshua is perhaps best known for his runaway bestseller, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, which he wrote at the age of twenty-one. His later books include Boy Meets Girl, Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is), and Stop Dating the Church. The founder of the NEXT conferences for young adults, Joshua is committed to seeing the gospel transferred to a new generation of Christians. He and his wife, Shannon, have three children.This book is on my 2010 Reading List.
Disclaimer: This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. I receive no payment, other than the book, for posting this review. If you'd like more information, click the link in the sidebar.
Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
That's good. Jack loves to read theology. Is very into John Piper, but is till slightly shakey on a few things. (He's only just 16!) I was wondering about some CS Lewis for him. But this sounds like just the job. He loved I Kissed Dating Goodbye.
Sounds like a book Dad/I may enjoy reading. Will have to see if it is in the bookstore here.
Mike got in at 3pm and guess what? He wasn't at the airport when we went there. :):):):):) He is now the driver of our cleaned-up pickup. :):):) K. looked so happy. We didn't stay, K was off to work and Mike needed sleep. :):) love/prayers -- Mom T.
I loved this book as well and plan on our kids reading it very soon! It was refreshing to read a book on theology and be able to understand it! lol
"I planned to share extensive quotes, but after listening to my thoughts on this book, Mike packed it."
Sis, your words are wonderfully telling of a true love showing respect, conversation and companionship. God, the Father, has done a wonderful work that glorifies Him by joining you two in Christ, His Son!
I loved this book so much that I am now reading it again. This time, aloud to the children, during our school time. I am enjoying sharing his insights with the kids and refreshing my mind as well. :-)
We are also reading Do Hard Things, so lots of Harris family reading going on here.
Jen, I plan to do the same when my copy returns to Japan. What ages are you reading it to and are they "getting it"? I am thinking Arielle (12) and Jared (16) - not sure about Nolan (11). I think I'd end up innoculating Zander to theology if I made him sit through ANOTHER long book. Unless it's cleveraly disguised as a science book. LOL
Mine are 11, 13,15. I think they are getting it, but we haven't gotten to the real meaty stuff yet. But Joshua just has a way of making it easy to get.
I am surprised but happy to find that they are enjoying both Harris books and beg me to read them even on days when our schedule is too full.
I did look to see if there was an audio version available. I thought it might be easier to dish out that way, but not yet. Hopefully they will eventually. I don't know if that would help Zander? But, yeah, it might be too soon for him. There are some rather deep topics even if Joshua does make them easier.
I also really enjoyed this book and plan to have my kids all read it!
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