Friday, March 05, 2010


This has been beautiful.
From 2010-03-05 Sandy Cove
Vision Week has been more than lived up to my expectations. God met me in Maryland. Pieces are falling into place....I'm renewed.

BUT this is even more beautiful to this mama! Pictures of some my "babies" the morning I left.
From 2010-03-05 Sandy Cove
From 2010-03-05 Sandy Cove
Early tomorrow (Sat in the states/ Sunday in Japan) I'll board a plane and head back to Japan. I'll be home on Monday.....for a few days.

Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Anonymous said...

Sis: Amen! l/p - Mom T.

Michelle said...

Love the pictures! Did you stay @ Sandy Cove? That's where we went on vacation a few years ago!

Wild Homeschool Family said...

Glad you had a renewing time. Sleeping children are precious.

Deja said...

I didn't realize you were in Sandy Cove! I went there a LOOOONNNGGG time ago in my days on staff with Campus Crusade. It's so peaceful there! I imagine by the time you read this, you've squeezed your kids loads! Glad you get a few days to refill THAT tank before you are off again.

Romany said...

Ahhh, you are in Maryland? Why did I think you were going to Korea?

Yes, the challenges of living in a post-Christian society. Something which has been preoccupying Team Stewart a lot lately.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I WAS at Sandy Cove....and I loved it.

I'll be in Korea in a couple of weeks.

I'm going to Okinawa Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Sandy Cove is lovely!! We are only about an hour from there!
Glad to hear you enjoyed!
Laura J. SHS