HOWEVER - we plan to keep our "new normal" until mid-July. We are focusing hard on school....and we got a LOT done today. Solid school. Good stuff.
We began piano today. We'll start Japanese again this week. Bible study started again last week and is moved to Friday now.
I "usually" take Jared in on Monday afternoon. Mike stays and works late and they both get home around 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. NOW, with Mike gone.....we'll take Jared in in time for Human video. Arielle is going to begin Human Video and possibly youth group, so the idea of solitude on Monday is gone. The kids will come with us. We'll hang out at the Weasel's Den and then find something else to do the final hour.
We enjoyed planting a few things today.
Our first sign of spring.
Found these "salad garden planters"
It won't hold the carrots and spinache I was envisioning....maybe I'll buy some more. I want to see if the BX has seeds first.....expensive off base. I also want to try the 100Yen store.
I think I've solved the wandering laundry rack issue. I sure pray so. If not, it's going to put out a window when it hits with 40# of sand....note the legs...
What about THIS for the Topsy Turvy Strawberry Planter? Anyone tried it before. Would it stand up to the wind a bit better?
Mom - Arielle has put the craft items you sent to use. I love to see her creative genius take over. ::snort::
Well....the kids' play break is about over. I need to finish up some paperwork from my trips. I also need to get us ready to head for base.
Michael, I noted your comment on the blog....does this mean we can try Skype? Are you "somewhere" or still in transit? I'll take the laptop to the Weasel's Den with case. Ah, time to hang anohter load of laundry.
Choosing Joy!©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
My grandparents used a topsy turvy tomato planter last year just to compare it to their regular garden tomatos. It produced far fewer tomatos and was constantly dry. It wouldn't hold water and my Grandma had to water that tomato everyday, two or three times on hot days.
The salad garden tub doesn't look much different from a rubbermaid storage box :)
Do you have room in a regular flower bed around the house? If you have those anyway. I put my strawberries in a raised cinderblock bed last year. I had planted about 10 feet of strawberries and this year I have a very thickly growing 15 feet and a sparse 6-8 more after that! They spread like crazy.
Oh I meant to say that we think it produced fewer because it had to be watered so often. The good parts of the dirt just kept washing out and by mid summer it was just a dry bag of dust.
Of course, maybe our summers are hotter and dryer? We're in USDA zone 7a if that helps at all :) I'm guessing not.
I ordered from Burpees this year,a variety of asparagus I couldn't find locally. Shipping was cheap and the plants arrived at the perfect time to plant. I ordered 48 and received 60, of the 50 I planted all but five are growing tall. They have a guarentee too, if you save the shipping label.
I think that stake will work fine for hanging your berry bag...we use those garden stakes for bird feeders and plants and they are pretty sturdy.
Sis… looks like the minds have been at work to get everything working right..... sand bags a good idea. I love using containers for a lot of my plantings.
Busy sounds like the word for your household.
love/prayers -- Mom T,.
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