Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Japanese is like music!

There it is, proof we were in California. LOL  We made it here in fairly good time. We THOUGHT we were going to have a couple of hours to sight-see, and THEN we hit the Bay Bridge.  So.....we have extra time at the airport but not enough time to really explore. LOL

We stopped at this "road side stop" - Nut Tree in Vacaville, CA.  I was drawn to it as this is the town my ship it APO address uses....Michael remembers flying into the small airport here....a whole mall has grown up around it now.....

Strange - traveling with only four  children.....and so we'll leave five in the states.  Below - in the ticket line an hour early and waiting. I love the moment you begin to hear Japanese being spoken again. I must not be the only one as Stacia looked at me and commented, "Japanese is like music!"  Agreed.

Waiting for a couple of hours to board our flight to Tokyo.....Michael is working on chapel stuff already, Zander is starting at the bay and planes flying over it, Arielle is reading...not sure what Nolan is doing....

Stacia is people watching....

I'm debating if I should take the kids for a dinner before we get on the plane. It's hard to tell....and several of us have motion sickness so I don't want to stuff them before take off. They all have crackers and snacks in their bags.....I'm sure they'll feed us SOMETHING on the flight....Plane meals are like living in the twilight zone.....breakfast at midnight. ::snort::

Ah - a game of trash has won out over sitting....good idea.....

And for those who were with me in Korea as I debated getting another "LeadSportSac" purse or a bag.....I made the right choice. ::snort::  I've managed to convince all it's a really big purse.....laptop and purse. I'm good to go. 

One more hour until we board. I think I'll close and think...about life and travel without Jared. I miss my conversationalist; though Stacia is more than willing to chat.

Wonder if anyone will want to go to the Onsen this weekend......

Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

1 comment:

Renee said...

Thankfully international flights still serve meals